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Everything posted by Czar

  1. yeh the script is working very good for me, the options I used: walking mode: modern walker (2nd option) ge mode: off EDIT: I found the problem, if the blast furnace quest is completed, the bot will be confused. I have posted a fix (update version 0.25) it should be live within a few hours or so. Atm the script only works if the quest is just started on specific quest stage, not completed I posted fix though , so it's all good But I highly suggest only using blast furnace on new accounts/goldfarming accs, because blast furnace is high risk high reward botting and it's high ban rate but very good profit
  2. Hmm withdrawing seems to work fine: Which item is causing the error? For lobsters I set it to withdraw 17 lobsters and it worked fine As for food, I will post an extra anti-fail for eating system to make sure it always eats if on low health ^^
  3. Use a different walking option, OSBot webwalker is really bad atm Make sure to start the script inside the actual blast furnace minigame area, the script will start as normal: Also, before starting the script , make sure to take all the bars in the conveyor system (if any) Here's the result once the script is configured properly: good luck ^^
  4. Yep, got a few bug reports for attacking bad npcs (0 hp or busy npcs) Posted a fix, should be live in v0.097 of the script, apologies everybody! but don't worry this version is working great ^^
  5. Refresh scripts, gl ^^ ;) please guys no more multiple trials, I usually tolerate this but some users here have gotten so many trials for the same script, but still good luck all ^^
  6. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Hmm I made it go up the ladders if the bot gets in combat (only works in the east tent with the ladders) but I will try and make the clicking more accurate so that the bot doesn't get in combat in the first place, update coming up ^^ As for sorceress garden, hmm I may be able to add it, because I want to try and get all possible thieving features on this script , so far only rogues den (out of minigames) is supported, but pyramid plunder, sorc garden etc etc may be added too, I can't promise anything because who knows if the API can support them, but I will certainly do some beta testing worst case scenario as for proggy, good job added to main thread ^^ , and trials, good luck ^^
  7. Make sure to start the script with arrows/bow equipped otherwise the bot doesn't know that ranged mode is activated Once range mode is activated, the bot will drink potions and loot arrows etc etc ^^ Works very good, just make sure to configure ranged mode properly first, good luck ;)
  8. done good luck on 24h trials ;)
  9. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Posted a quick mirror mode update for al-kharid and draynor course, should work much better in mirror mode. Update version v1.14 is now the latest version, good luck all ^^ Paint should be improved too. Update will be live within few hours max, just waiting for admins to register update edit: Al-kharid and draynor work MUCH better in this new update (mirror mode), can't wait until update is live ^^
  10. Oh bolt fletching, sure I can add bolt fletching to the script ^^ update coming up
  11. refresh scripts , activated 24h trial ;)
  12. I can add gem crafting but the crafting scripters will complain The code is really simple too, takes like 5 minutes
  13. The script leeches, makes insane profits especially when running many bots
  14. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Make sure the mouse zoom is set to far away so more obstacles are in the bot's view: As for trial, good luck ;)
  15. Those are all mirror mode client errors, please post in the mirror client bug section Shouldn't really affect the script so don't worry about it ^^
  16. done good luck 24h trial ;)
  17. Added another update (version 0.27), should be live within a few hours or so, just waiting for admins to register update - GE mode is now more stable - Added more accurate fletch item calculations good luck all, can't wait until update is live ^^
  18. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    OSBot should be back up, activated another 24h trial, gl ^^ ;)
  19. script will be 9.99$, or 8.99$ depends on admin
  20. Hmm I made it detect ore changes every half a tick (300ms) should I lower it to 150ms perhaps? As for moving mouse/more central mouse clicks, I will try and improve the mouse handler, since OSBot's default mouse is not programmed to click on center, so I gotta try make a custom method. As for moving mouse outside screen, I can definitely add that in the next update ^^ thanks for feedback and gl everybody
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