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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Will post a quick update for banking, should be much better in next update (v0.17), update should be live within a few hours or so, gl ^^ EDIT: Banking seems fine, just did 3 test runs, no problems whatsoever. The bot opened the doors and went to bank, withdrew 5 lobsters (like I setup in the GUI) and went back to fighting area. I can't notice any bugs But I will keep the bot running and if there is a bug I will fix it ASAP I posted an update to make the script work faster though, it should be much better in this update (v0.17) ^^
  2. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Update for HAM pickpocketing coming up, should be back to normal in next version By the way, the hide-paint is not an option, it will just be a key (F2 key) to toggle paint on/off ^^ (should be in version 1.05) of the bot EDIT: Latest version: v1.05, please allow a few hours for update to be registered , gl all EDIT2: Just tested ham guards, looks like I need to code a system to return to ham guards camp if teleported out, I will be adding a system for that in the next update (after this one), so this version above (v1.05) has flawless ham guard pickpocketing but if teleported out, the bot may not be able to return yet - but don't worry I am working on a update ASAP ^^
  3. Czar


    Either enable ESC mode (check the main thread for setup guide) or set mouse zoom to default If ESC mode is enabled and the bot doesn't detect, then use mouse zoom mode, here are both setup guides: Non-ESC mode: Esc mode: good luck all
  4. Posted a new update, added a few fixes for various mining locations, made some improvements. Also, will be preparing for the new OSBot 'goldfarm' mode to allow automatic setup of scripts without going through the setup window ^^
  5. Bot works 100%, just make sure to set some food in the setup window ^^
  6. Bans are expected in blast furnace, the strategy is to goldfarm and transfer gold before the ban hits. Don't bot tutorial island, and transfer gold either 24 hours or 48 hours after botting, good luck EDIT: Also guys, since the new OSBot client's update (the goldfarming command line update), I will be making this script gold-farm friendly so the script can be initiated automatically without manually starting the script or logging in ^^
  7. For teleports you gotta have only 1 amount (in the inventory items loadout panel) in the setup window, otherwise the banking part will be confused a good setup for example: - 1 camelot teleport tab - 3 super strength(4) - 20 lobsters Also, for the script to run even better, try to keep an inventory space empty (1 inventory space without any item) when setting up the inventory loadout the script should run even better, good luck ^^
  8. Hmm my accounts are doing perfectly fine (botting at minotaurs, and other account at ankous), no bans To new/potential users: The script has a unique anti-ban (auto-generated randomly upon script startup) AND an anti-pattern system, but if you bot stupidly you will ALWAYS get banned, using any bot whatsoever - so please bot smart
  9. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Posted a quick update (v1.04) - Added hide paint option - Walking and dialogue system should be back to normal good luck all, please allow a few hours for update to be registered ^^
  10. Posted another quick update, should improve the efficiency of bank trips, latest version is now v0.29 As for trial, done activated, good luck
  11. Czar


    The script should work right now, just make sure to use the latest OSBot client (version 2.4.66) ^^ good luck guys ;)
  12. Czar


    For all users waiting, the script should be back to normal very soon, just waiting on an update, sorry for inconvenience! don't worry the latest version is 100% working, I made sure to test it, here is quick preview: edit: the strategy for botting is to bot the stats first, then quest later, but I highly recommend using the osbot mirror client, it is incredible at reducing the ban rate since it makes it so that the account is actually logged in the original client as opposed to the bot client
  13. All should be back to normal soon, I posted a quick update ^^ Sorry for inconvenience!
  14. Czar


    All should be back to normal soon, I posted a quick update ^^ Sorry for inconvenience! Latest version: v0.41
  15. All should be back to normal soon, I posted a quick update ^^ Sorry for inconvenience!
  16. All should be back to normal soon, I posted a quick update ^^ Sorry for inconvenience!
  17. All should be back to normal soon, I posted a quick update ^^ Sorry for inconvenience!
  18. All should be back to normal soon, I posted a quick update ^^ Sorry for inconvenience!
  19. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Change the walking option, I added 4 different walking systems with unique settings, the script should work much better ^^
  20. I will activate a trial ASAP, just waiting for admins to register the new update ^^ latest version should be: v0.55, should be live within a few hours or so
  21. Make sure to select the 'Stop when out of runes' option, the bot will stop as soon as the spell isn't highlighted (in the spellbook) ^^ Posted a quick update, latest version should be v0.82, made the option more clear and made sure script stopping works for all stun spells please allow a few hours for admins to register update edit: as for air orbs script, I will be posting the thread for that script soon, since many script uploads have now been accepted by the devs ^^
  22. Alek was the dialogue api changed in the new dev builds? Seems that inDialogue() is returning true even if not in dialogue anymore
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