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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Restart client, should do the trick ^^
  2. I turned off map mode because it requires high memory (at least 512mb), should I re-activate map mode in the next version? Banking in lumbridge should work with screen mode, the script will go to nearest bank, if it doesn't then I will add an option called 'Preferred bank:' to override the banking code and go to the chosen bank
  3. I may be able to add cooking in barbarian village, I must ask admin for market rules on AIO scripts. If it's allowed I can definitely add it, takes like 5 minutes ^^
  4. done activated trial gl ;)
  5. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Making sure this is known, adding another update for performance to make sure everything is good. For pickpocketing and stall modes too EDIT: Guys, 'Modern walker' option is the best walker for performance, please use that option for lower memory usage
  6. I will add an update for al-kharid gate ASAP, which walking mode ? as for trial, gl on 24h trial ;)
  7. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    done activated trials gl ;) there is a pending update so double trial time. Update for performance in stall mode ^^
  8. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Will add an update for wildy course ASAP, I highly recommend using rooftop courses they are more optimized and stable than wildy course, but new update coming up ^^ as for trial, activated gl ;)
  9. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Restart entire client, use the "Lightweight walker" and it will not cause high memory, the only thing which can cause high memory is stall mode which I will optimize right now Ardy knight trapping has to be done manually, but the bot can go to an already trapped npc and continue pickpocketing ^^
  10. Hmm I guess just ask @Maldesto for refund I guess No idea why only windows users can run this script and not mac/linux users EDIT: Mac/linux support will be here ASAP, I am going to post another update , this time I will install and test with a mac OS before adding the update
  11. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    When the script starts up, choose osbot webwalker, it is the best one for performance, also start script while account is logged in fremennik: start script near fremennik npcs and it will pickpocket, let me know if there are any bugs, fremenniks haven't really been botted for much using this script as for trials, gl everyone ;)
  12. If the script ever gets stuck on a tile, either restart the client to refresh it back to normal (especially if mirror-client), or post a bug report on the tile, I will add an anti-fail in the next version so that the script will stop if there are ever any errors as for trial, activated 24h trial gl ;)
  13. For looting own kills, I can convert the code from the aio fighter script, but it may not be 99.99% flawless for ironman, but I can make the script avoid items that it attempted to loot and couldn't loot anymore. The API doesn't technically support iron man mode looting but I'm sure I can make something work As for proxies, as long as the jcache isn't the same for all bots, then it's perfectly fine good luck all, activated trials/auths ;)
  14. Woodcutting guild is supported in this script ^^
  15. Yep slayer mode will not be forgotten, just had to fix a few bugs, now I can focus more on new features ^^
  16. Update v112.5 is now live, it was a quick update for mac/linux users , can any mac/linux user test the script again, I think the script will launch perfectly fine now, hopefully Update v113 is being worked on right now, a few bugfixes, a few new features and re-activating cannon mode since I had to remove it temporarily, will edit this post with new updates asap ^^
  17. Safespot: just go to any tile and hit F6, don't use the tile selector, that is for choosing the fight bounds of the npcs (a square which the script will only fight npcs that are inside the square), it is entirely different to safespotting Npc detecting: restart client if no npcs are detected, if using mirror-client make sure rs account is logged out, should work after that ^^ Bones to peaches: updates coming up for v113 asap Paint: will change font asap ^^ GWD: I haven't tested gwd but I will activate a 48hr trial Trials: activated all good luck everyone Mac/linux users: any new error logs? thanks everyone
  18. Safespot tile is activated by the F6 hotkey, range or mage must be selected in order to activate safespot tile, good luck ^^
  19. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Posted a quick update, new update will avoid rare mouse "zig-zags" if they ever occur (they don't matter whatsoever and do not increase ban rate or anything - just peace of mind update, since only clicks are technically registered) ^^ Latest version is now: v118 As for trial, activated trial gl
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