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Everything posted by Czar

  1. I just need to code the new setup window (for CC name, CC leader name and worldhop checkbox) then I will add the update asap, I would say ETA is either today (in like 10 hours) or tomorrow max ^^ edit: for world hop, I'm still unsure what to make the worldhop condition, the player amount less than 5 players is a good one though, unless there are other ideas
  2. GE support was added after the script got released, I still need to design a new thread to mention that ge mode is perfected now, it used to be in beta mode ^^
  3. Thanks everyone I really appreciate the support Btw guys, the lava runes progress report is without pouches or magic imbue, the xp rate is much higher with pouches/imbue ^^
  4. Oops forgot to add the setup window preview, will add ASAP Yep, even the ess amount can be changed ^^ Will edit the thread ASAP ran out of forum likes, sorry everyone
  5. Thanks everyone Yep all altars are supported even for worker accounts ^^
  6. The only Runecrafting bot you will need Purchase this INSANE bot here You can setup a master account (preferably your main account, can be any account) and a worker account (a throwaway bot account, or any account) will trade the master account and go to bank to get more runes etc. The main account (master) does not need to bot, and can be achieved through the normal RS client without a bot client. Supports: Air runes (1) (normal) & (abyss) Mind runes (2) (normal) & (abyss) Water runes (5) (normal) & (abyss) Earth runes (9) (normal) & (abyss) Mud runes (13) (earth altar) Lava runes (23) (fire altar) Fire runes (14) (normal) & (abyss) Body runes (20) (normal) & (abyss) Cosmic runes (27) (normal) & (abyss) Chaos runes (35) (normal) & (abyss) Astral runes (40) (normal) & (abyss) Nature runes (44) (normal) & (abyss) Law runes (54) (normal) & (abyss) Blood runes (abyss) & (zeah) Auto Arceuus Favour Solver Gets 100% arceuus favour for you Auto GE Restocking Sells runes, buys more supplies automatically Auto-equips chosen armour/robes Use Blood Essences Death Handler gets items from Death's office and repeats (Abyss) Glory mode, ferox mode, house spell/tabs Avoids pkers and hops worlds Uses mouse invokes for quicker runecrafting (stealth) Muling (BETA) will give money to your mules every X hours or profit Creates colossal pouch if you have the needle Results and screenshots
  7. Thanks guys, please ignore that user who keeps flaming Blast furnace = high banrate area (high risk, high reward), it is not for beginners, you need to be an intermediate to advanced goldfarmer to make insane profit from it The strategy is to expect bans, but transfer gold before you get banned, that user is clearly a beginner Accounts typically last for at least 3 days, more if you are lucky 3 days of pure goldfarming, with 1m+/hr (4 accounts only).. 1m+/hr ^ and that's before osbot auto-goldfarming feature.. I had to set up the accounts manually. With osbot client goldfarming mode you can automatically setup as many accounts as the machine can handle, with a single mouse click
  8. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    You gotta start the script at the ardy chest otherwise the script will just be confused and do nothing, confirm please As for random events, they are handled by the OSBot client, just go to settings -> options -> "Dismiss all randoms" and done Will add an update for warriors and GE/Edge bank asap I highly recommend the warriors at ardy, they work much better, but still update is coming ;) As for trials, activated all trials good luck everyone ;)
  9. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Yep the bot will automatically detect food in inventory and eat food when health is low as for trials, good luck everyone ;) activated 24hr free trials, thanks !
  10. Activated free 24hr trials good luck everyone ;)
  11. Fixed. Update will be live within a few hours, it shouldn't be a problem Latest version is now: v56 As for trial, activated 24 hr free trial good luck ;)
  12. Activated trials good luck everyone Also posted an update to prevent worldhopping to LMS beta worlds (so annoying ) there seem to be so many new worlds for beta lately Update should be live within a few hours max, latest version is now: v80 Hopefully the client already avoids those worlds now, if not, the script will avoid them just in case EDIT: there is only 1 lms beta world now, the others have gone should be no more problems with world hopping to lms beta worlds now ^^
  13. I will add an update to make the setup window more clear, it will automatically log out if there is no ammo when ranging ^^ As for trial, activated good luck 24 hr trial ;)
  14. New update v83: - Added a timer for switching fishing spots (random between 4-10 seconds) - Added a few more items to the anti-drop list - Added anglerfish update update will be live within 24 hours, good luck everyone ;) thanks for the feedback and suggestions
  15. I am going to post an update ASAP for serum 207 potions, will edit this post when update is live
  16. @Metras I have contacted an administrator (@Maldesto) they will restore the script, just make sure there were no refund requests otherwise the script may have disappeared. If the payment option was reversed, the script may also disappear so make sure both are fine As for trials, activated 24 hr trials good luck everyone ;)
  17. World hopping idea will be added ASAP, including the toggleable quest option, update coming up everyone thanks for the feedback and suggestions As for trials, activated all 24 hr trials good luck
  18. If you have purchased the script, talk to the osbot admin @Maldesto they will restore it. If you had made a refund request the script may have disappeared, but it should be back to normal ASAP As for saving options, I will add an update to make sure all the settings are saved, because the newer options are still not saved e.g. bone burying option, thanks for feedback New update: Update v124 - Added re-fill prayer points at altar mode - Added a fix for setup window saving options (some newer options weren't saved before, now they are) update will be live within 24 hours good luck everyone ;) If anybody still has any errors/bug reports, please make sure to post a bug report and it will be fixed within a few hours at best Last updates were: - fix for loot over gp feature - fix for sand crabs - fix for guthans
  19. I will add 'Looting bag' item to the avoid-drop list, thanks for feedback The update will be added in version v82 (update will be live within 24 hours automatically) As for trials, activated 24 hr trial good luck ;)
  20. activated 24hr trial good luck, the price is only 5 or 6m rsgp payment, worth it
  21. Sure I can make the script avoid dorics quest, but make sure to have the quest items in bank or something, or should I make the script go mine it if no ores are found? As for f2 hide paint, will add asap
  22. Activated 24 hr trial good luck ;)
  23. Which npc for cage combat? I will add a fix ASAP As for prayer points re-filling at altar, I will add a new feature for that in this update guys I completely removed the retaliate code for sand crabs, also there are a number of botting traps (non-npcs) (notice the rock doesn't say "Sandy rocks" for the trap npc, only for the inactive/active real npcs) some rocks are not npcs at all and are tricky I will re-add retaliate code once it is confirmed that the script does not retaliate - because for me the feature was working flawlessly but for some users it wasn't for some odd reason so I removed the code completely and will add it in the next update EDIT: I really hope guthans mode is working much better, can any user confirm please? If not, I will buy some gold and a high level account and actually test guthans mode, and perhaps add a few new high level features for this script
  24. Done, activated 24 hr trials, good luck ;) Guys, I updated the main thread, there is now a list of anti-ban tips and a few spell-casting tips, enjoy ;)
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