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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Returning to ham is still not supported, because all you gotta do is equip full ham and they won't kick you out ^^ Blackjacking has been improved since the original beta, when did you last try it? If you tried it recently then hmm tell me what you would like to be changed/improved ^^
  2. I guess the barricade mode is a much needed update, will be working on a way to balance the activity level ^^
  3. Enjoy guys, those two scripts have been crazy popular from the start but it's time to give them for VIP If I am going to do another vip script soon, it may be a stronghold script or a totally new script I haven't done yet (zeah/fossil related)
  4. How do you mean, explain please, I will definitely add to script @Rooierd activated another trial, good luck
  5. Check out this thread for preventing botting bans:
  6. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Guys make sure to choose the second webwalking option for banking, it should be much better Script currently pickpockets knights flawlessly, try choosing a different webwalk option when banking ^^ As for paladin chests, I only made it thieve from one chest, I can easily add the second chest Activated all trials gl guys
  7. Czar


    Glad you are enjoying the script, activated all trials gl guys
  8. Activated temporary auth until payment gets processed, gl guys activated all trials too Yew at woodcutting guild are supported, make sure to enable manual tree selection mode
  9. Script is working, just tested with yews and it's flawless Activated all trials gl guys Let me know if there is an error in console log. I will be making some changes to GE mode asap.
  10. Done activated all trials gl guys Make sure to set camera mouse zoom to far away and never interrupt GE process, those are the two keys to running the script, happy botting
  11. Hmm smelting iron ore into iron bars is working flawlessly, including delays, it did an entire inventory without pausing or without trying to smelt from the beginning again Works very good ^^ Activated all trials gl guys
  12. Done activated all trials gl guys. As for script suggestions, will definitely consider adding some unique content to this script for the next version
  13. Update incoming, a few changes are hotfixes (pathing ones) so stay tuned, will edit this post asap.
  14. quoting botting ban proof method so it doesn't get removed by staff
  15. Added new update, latest version is now v81. Fixed mining animations and some routing changes. Update will automatically go live within 24 hours
  17. Of course I will activate 48 hour trials as soon as the script update goes live (v105). Still not live yet, shouldn't take too long hopefully it happens today
  18. So so sorry guys, latest rs update must've broken it, should be patched asap. Hold on EDIT: Fixed, latest update = v105. Update will automatically go live within 48 hours. Apologies guys, for the record I rarely check the magic thread because the script is extremely stable, unless a major rs update or client update occurs. Once again, so sorry! Will never happen again
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