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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Script is working, just tested with yews and it's flawless Activated all trials gl guys Let me know if there is an error in console log. I will be making some changes to GE mode asap.
  2. Done activated all trials gl guys Make sure to set camera mouse zoom to far away and never interrupt GE process, those are the two keys to running the script, happy botting
  3. Hmm smelting iron ore into iron bars is working flawlessly, including delays, it did an entire inventory without pausing or without trying to smelt from the beginning again Works very good ^^ Activated all trials gl guys
  4. Done activated all trials gl guys. As for script suggestions, will definitely consider adding some unique content to this script for the next version
  5. Update incoming, a few changes are hotfixes (pathing ones) so stay tuned, will edit this post asap.
  6. quoting botting ban proof method so it doesn't get removed by staff
  7. Added new update, latest version is now v81. Fixed mining animations and some routing changes. Update will automatically go live within 24 hours
  9. Of course I will activate 48 hour trials as soon as the script update goes live (v105). Still not live yet, shouldn't take too long hopefully it happens today
  10. So so sorry guys, latest rs update must've broken it, should be patched asap. Hold on EDIT: Fixed, latest update = v105. Update will automatically go live within 48 hours. Apologies guys, for the record I rarely check the magic thread because the script is extremely stable, unless a major rs update or client update occurs. Once again, so sorry! Will never happen again
  11. Sand crab crabclaw isle has been fixed in update v6, just waiting on update to automatically go live within 24 hours
  12. Which exact tile, I will update the walking nodes ASAP. Should be a 1-minute fix
  13. done activated all trials gl guys
  14. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    @Ironic Shitpost which tile did you specify for the silk stall, and is it the ardougne silk stall? I will test ASAP and see if there are any errors. As for warrior woman the sticky npc option should do the job but I will begin troubleshooting that option. As for how many instances without vip - you can only run 2 bots without vip, and unlimited tabs with vip. As for trials, activated all gl As for dorgesh-kan chest, that's not supported in the script just yet I will try and add it but the requirements are too high, if anybody has an account I can code it Also guys, how's the pickpocket stun timer? Much better? I need some criticism Will be working on the next update right now (more stall changes and ultimately a sticky-npc improvement)
  15. Czar


    Activated all trials gl Yep the script is currently working Glad you are enjoying it
  16. Czar

    Hi All

    Welcome to OSBot The useful threads and information have already been linked, but just know that there is a LOT of room for innovation in botting
  17. There should be a button 'Install webwalker' just click it and wait Should be able to launch the client after that
  18. Please update your clients guys Script should be back to normal
  19. If you don't want the script to stay in the center turn off center mode, also the script will only attack the npcs you selected to attack, if you set no npcs then the script will not attack any. Otherwise state your gui options and I will make some tweaks asap Activated all trials gl guys
  20. Latest update = v57 should go live within 24 hours automatically, paint will say v57.0 when it goes live ^^ EDIT: Guys, you gotta set the mouse zoom to far away for the best results with the script. I tested with both non-far away and far away, and far away had much better performance and results. I have made the script faster in terms of dialogue and movement, but it doesn't matter how fast it is if you don't correct the mouse zoom. GE is back to normal, it's still beta though bear in mind. Buttons have been patched so it sells bars perfectly now
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