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Everything posted by Czar

  1. @Robertog1994 which tile did you set for the target fight tile? Make sure it's a walkable tile, and not a wall obstacle or something. Also, can you try the second webwalking option? Activated trials gl guys As for 5m, good job, stronghold is good money maker ^^
  2. Fixed after my last push which had errors. Script is back to normal now ^^
  3. Hmm try webwalking 2, it always works. I wanted to experiment with the first option ^^ Activated trials gl guys Bone bolts will be added upon the next update ASAP
  4. Set keyboard input and hit the f6 key, it should register ^^ For cannon: did you start the script with cannon in inventory, walk to cannon spot, hit cannon hotkey, then let the script start? These steps are very important otherwise the script will not start correctly. Let me know if you did this exact setup and it still fills cannon wrong. I will debug ASAP. ^^ For dds I will not forget this one in the upcoming update ^^ Apologies for the delay until I get it down
  5. Refresh scripts again in client, it should appear now
  6. Went ahead and posted v10, I wanted to add a few other changes, just tested and made sure it's good. Sorry for the last post. Update successfully pushed and will go live within 24 hours from now on.
  7. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Any errors? You gotta tell me what you want to change, I am running the rooftop courses and it's running fine for me. As for summer pies, I will make some changes so it doesn't eat while in action, update coming up ^^
  8. Start script in blast furnace, and if using mirror client make sure to stay logged out while you hook the client otherwise it can be unpredictable. That is the optimal setup it should work 100% after that. Let me know how it goes please ^^ As for coal, I will make some changes in the next update, I need to make my coal bag acc p2p and I will make some changes.
  9. Lavas should be much better in v87, it is live right now. If you ever have any errors/bugs just screenshot me your exact same GUI setup options that you used and I will debug ASAP ^^ As for trial, it doesn't make it disappear, can you ask @Maldesto if you still have the script in your list? If you bought a script it will never disappear
  10. done gl guys added proggy to main thread gj For anti-ban tips, check out this thread:
  11. Walking to hop spot - make sure you didn't accidentally set the hop tile to catherby. It will default go to rock crabs reset-aggro tile (south of the rock crabs), or if the user has manually set a hop-spot tile, the script will walk to that tile. For nechryaels, you gotta turn on the 'Avoid fighting other npcs' option in the Misc.1 tab. It will ignore death spawns and make sure to turn off retaliate. It will only attack nechryaels using that option ^^ Let me know if you want anything to be changed, I will do it in the upcoming version. Got a nice update coming up within a few hours, stay tuned guys Have been reading and I have noted down every post in this thread page and the last page for update ideas
  12. New Update (v9) - Added potion boost input and randomization (anti-ban) - Added random delay between refreshing aggro (anti-ban) - Added option to wait for 100% energy before enabling specs (anti-ban) - Fixed 'Far-east' fight location Update will automatically go live within 24 hours, gl guys If you have any suggestions/errors/bugs please post them ASAP. Also don't forget console logs so I can debug
  13. When does the script check if the coal bag is full? I will make some changes asap. I usually suicide bot from friday->monday and I don't keep track of when they get banned and mule on monday. If anybody else has any input please share ^^
  14. New Update (v87) - Final Lavas improvement - Added an update for abyss walking - Mounted glory backup fix - if the object name has changed, please let me know! I am now making the script find the glory by options instead of name. - Misc improvements to delays, animations and a few anti-ban changes Update will automatically go live within 24 hours.
  15. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Got an improvement update underway, new version of the script will be v167.0, stay tuned guys ^^ Have been reading responses/feedback and noted them down. EDIT: Blackjacking is still experimental, my first objective is to make it fully flawless, then increase the xp rate. How do you think I should improve? Increase click speed or? I am open to suggestions ^^ As for rogues' den, you mean the agility part right, hmm I really need to restart that project and add it to the bonus features list ASAP, so sorry for the delay
  16. Czar


    Make sure you start the script at the range guild npc, and make sure you have coins in inventory and the script should be perfect ^^ Also, yep - the ban rate has reduced significantly due to users thinking it is high ban rate, which means nobody bots range guild anymore = success
  17. Make sure the bank has enough ore (more than 27). I added more descriptive console logs so you can see why the script is stopping itself, should go live within 24 hours ^^ Will make some changes to mith bars, I don't quite understand the more efficient way, can you elaborate please ^^
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