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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Hmm that's weird, I will check it out and post a patch for spec'ing asap. Lemme test and add an update.
  2. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Fixed stall mode price checker, script wasn't starting for some reason. Latest update will be v167.
  3. I only added agility shortcut for banking so far, I will make some changes to it asap. Activated all trials gl guys I will also make some further changes following user feedback on how the script should operate like a human.
  4. Update coming up for mining guild and sometimes mining unavailable rocks. Latest update will be v106. Stay tuned guys
  5. For avoiding bans check out the developer's guide to preventing botting bans: As for trials, activated all trials gl guys
  6. done gl guys edit: which location are you dying at, there must be an aggressive npc nearby
  7. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Apologies guys, I had some IRL issues. I will try my best to be more active in this thread. In the meantime for the users that still own the script; please follow script instructions and set the mouse zoom to far away, and toggle roofs off for maximum script stability. For marks of grace it is not programmed to always pick them, occasionally the script will skip them by choice. I can offer an option to always pick them up, really easy. I will be doing some extended test runs using the script instructions and confirm how stable the script operates. Thanks & sincere apologies everyone.
  8. For banking: make sure you set food, otherwise the script will always go to the bank to search for food. The script's anti-danger system will not let it fight without food when health is low. For drinking prayer pots and not looting: both seem to be working for me; please state your gui settings so I can test with the same options and see if there's a bug For brutal black dragons: I will make the script re-attack the npc, although I highly highly recommend enabling auto-retaliate, it is common sense plugin works fine with auto-retaliate enabled. I will add an update for avoiding banking in the next patch asap. ^^ As for increasing fight area, use the fight-radius option and manually set the tile radius to a larger number to increase the fight area bounds ^^
  9. Fixed portal mode for some users, the script didn't detect the portal healths for some users. If XP drops are enabled it can mess with the script's portal health detector. I will be resorting to hardcoding the ids for stability as before. As for turning camera and staying near the knight, hmm if it did 700 points in a night, that seems stable enough but I will make some changes for that ASAP. I can always add improvements to the script. As for camping portals, that option is not for attacking them, it is just for standing near portals and attacking npcs, because sometimes portals are surrounded by alot of npcs so it can be a good idea to fight npcs near portals As for the hat for chopping logs, I need to test with that, any problems? I will debug asap. thanks guys, v30 should go live today. please wait patiently ^^ EDIT: After the update, if anybody ever has a bug, please post the console log error so I can fix it faster and so I can make the script even more stable than before
  10. Which exact settings did you enable in the script setup window, I will use the same settings and debug. The worst thing that has happened for my account is low zeal points when attacking portals because of low combat level, but other than that it doesn't seem to attack npcs when fighting portals at all. Did you enable auto-retaliate? I still haven't got a script error. Let me know if you get any errors in the osbot logger console.
  11. Guys, before update v30 goes live. I am confused as to how some users are complaining about portal mode. I selected random portal mode and it works fine even in the old version (v29) which is the current version. Check it out:
  12. Fixed. Latest update is now v30. Script is back to normal after the previous osrs updates. Apologies for delay guys, happy botting ^^ Will edit this post once the update successfully goes live
  13. Gp/hr is working for me generally, if anybody has any items which are not being added to the gp/hr paint, let me know asap.
  14. For mouse input, there is an option to move the mouse away after attacking an npc for antiban, activated a trial gl Glad to hear about sand crabs improving ^^ Activated trials gl all As for hotkeys and setting safespot tile, make sure to check the osbot client input settings so that it registers the f6 click for safespot ^^ Apologies for the delay, I was working on a bigger update for this script and wanted to skip straight to update v209. I will post a quick patch for v207 so the small bugs can be patched and go online quicker As for cannon mode there is an option to attack npcs while cannoning, can you confirm that you enabled that option? For breaks, the script should be going to the nearest bank within 5 minutes of the break initializing, I will investigate asap. EDIT: Looks like breaks only worked if you set a custom break tile (using the F12 hotkey). I will modify it so it doesn't require a custom break tile set. In the meantime please set a break tile at a bank by standing on a bank tile in edgeville for example and hitting the f12 hotkey, then continuing the script.
  15. done all trials gl guys
  16. New Update (v72) - Extended anti-fire update - Faster potion making Update will automatically go live within 24 hours gl guys Next update (v73) for amulet of chemistry is being worked on asap. I had to get those two features out of the way for v72 first, then proceed onto amulet of chemistry support for the next version
  17. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    activated all trials gl guys blackjacking has improved with certain settings however it's still experimental. If there's no way to code a flawless blackjacking system it will always be experimental, until I can make it not require babysitting. At the moment it requires babysitting because there is small room for error even with the correct setup. As for sticky npc mode going to hero instead of knight, I will check this out. Hopefully the ID isn't being changed. As for not failing and consistently clicking, there is a unique delay don't worry, however it is not noticeable to humans. The statistics on their side will indicate that the click delays not all the same, in fact they are very different
  18. Hotfixed some webwalking nodes, shouldn't require a script update, just a restart Gl guys Activated trials gl
  19. savage, all the non-vips just got rekt in all seriousness it's fine. I used to be afraid of the same thing a while back when I started scripting however I use stealth injection for testing scripts and still no bans on any of my test accounts.
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