@Magki92 did you assign a worker/master username? Make sure you get those configured properly otherwise the master/worker mode will not activate. Let me know what setup you're trying to do.
As for the regen feature, working on it as we speak
As for this script vs khal's, I gave you a trial, let me know if you have any suggestions/feedback I will add it to the next update.
For the banking at edge vs clan wars, I will make it look at the given health percentage (in the setup window) so your hp is less than your eat threshold, it will go clan wars, if not, it will go edge as usual.
Will also be adding an update for the walking system, have a few reports that falador walking could be improved, update coming up.
Will also be doing further tests on staminas and ring of dueling mode, I need to find a way to make it not work so I can add an update.
Thanks guys!