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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Okay so osrs just did automated plank make spell, going to have to add some automated spell options to various spells in the upcoming update, stay tuned guys ^^
  2. Good job will add to main thread ^^ Will be adding more updates ^^
  3. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Not just yet, the setup window was written before my saving/loading system that I designed for the fighter. I will be converting it and adding it after I do some more script improvements ^^ :D I agree it is a bit tedious having to refill the settings each time. As for trials, activated good luck guys :D
  4. Do not let that account get banned, please be super careful, you’ll get 99 in no time ^^ I will also be adding more updates to the script including behaviour updates which benefit anti-ban ^^
  5. Seems a bit complex I will see what I can do ^^
  6. Wow amazing progress, good job added to main thread
  7. There is an upcoming slayer script in the development section, and a few fighter scripts which support slayer monsters ^^
  8. Activated trials good luck guys ^^
  9. Yea pools are on the to-do list of upcoming updates ^^ will be pushing this update in a few hours I still have some testing to do, can’t risk it ^^
  10. There is an update pending for v8.0 so I will activate trials as soon as it goes live. thanks guys, will let you guys know when version has updated ^^
  11. Thanks for the support guys ^^
  12. I have reverted it so it withdraw-X 3, less efficient but more stable.
  13. I am still unclear on how exactly the pump method works, what if another user steals the pump? Also, after the pump is clicked and the character is animating, what should the script do from then on?
  14. New Update (v58) - Added more stable walking system - No more webwalking errors anywhere, able to walk properly now - Hide paint is now toggle-able. - Cleaned up list mode locations - Added a bounds fix for map mode - Added a hotkey for choosing screen trees Really appreciate it guys, thanks a lot Update will automatically go live within 24 hours, good luck guys
  15. For starting the script is is best to start with an empty ore sack (the one where you deposit pay-dirty into near the water), and zoom the camera all the way out so more objects are in screen, it should work much better Don't forget to post results/progress reports, gratz on 90 mining As for script taking long to do actions, what options are you running? You seem to be running mirror client, please make sure to lower the reaction timer from 1000ms to ~50ms for more than 10x speed increase. Hold SHIFT + F4 keys to change the reaction timer.
  16. Activated trials good luck guys As for granite mines, I don't understand your question please elaborate ^^
  17. Yes it is a popular option indeed ^^
  18. Finished coding the task system, will be doing some testing then posting the update as soon as I can ^^
  19. No bursting in MM caves unfortunately It is a bit too complex for this script As for superglass make, client restart solves it? It's working fine for me. I will be reverting the update, no more triple click for giant seaweed sorry guys, it is not possible (in a stable way).
  20. Which drop method are you using? If using mirror mode, then reduce the reaction timer from 1000ms (far too slow) to 50ms. Personally I don't like botting lobsters or swordfish, but if I were to, I would bot in low population worlds and areas while babysitting ^^
  21. New Update (v61) - Stringing speed is now much faster - No longer waits when finishing all fletching items. - Script now banks as soon as no supplies left. - Use item on item speed increased Update will automatically go live within 24 hours, good luck guys
  22. Done activated trials good luck guys Let me know how it goes
  23. Safespotting, are you exclusively using burying bones options? I will do some test runs with a few different combinations of options and see what to do. I will be using stealth injection, and if I don't find any bugs I will do a final try on mirror and see where the problem is. Any idea what the bot was trying to do on the loot tile? Did it finish looting everything and just sat there? In any case, I will debug As for slacking off while training, that can be achieved via breaks, but I understand what you're saying, I could easily add an option like this in the next update. It will be 100% optional though, otherwise people may complain ^^ Trials activated good luck guys
  24. Quest point cape - has the teleport option changed? Please confirm. Right now the script tries to right click the quest point cape and click the option called 'Teleport'. I assume OSRS changed the option to something else, please let me know what the new option is called. New Update (v106) - Added fail-safe for ZMI and too many runes - Added update for staminas and normal runecrafting - Added fail-safe for varrock east bank (upstairs) for mud runes too - Fixed npc contact (ZMI) - Various bug fixes regarding inventory and banking system - Another attempt at improving the cosmic agility shortcuts More coming up, stay tuned. Please keep the feedback and support coming Thanks guys. Update will automatically go live within 24 hours
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