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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Make sure to set a safespot if using cannon, it will be safer. We can't control misclicks since it's a built-in feature for OSBot anti-ban system. I will help with this issue, please show me your setup options As for 'eat for loot' will check this out, I will make some changes ^^ As for plugins and not showing, hmm try placing the OSBot jar to the desktop, and then running the bot again; this will work ^^
  2. IntelliJ isn't any good for starting - I highly recommend Eclipse IDE, super easy to configure and you'll be scripting within a half an hour ^^
  3. Czar


    Awesome! Added to main thread good job Glad to hear this, good luck on 99 range XD
  4. For mithril bars, you set too many bars [INFO][Bot #1][08/09 07:07:34 PM]: Withdrawing 1800x(Mithril ore) for bar plans, continuing...[INFO][Bot #1][08/09 07:07:37 PM]: Withdrawing 7200x(Coal) for bar plans, continuing... You are telling the bot to withdraw 1800 mith ore Make sure to set something reasonable like 27/28 ores and it will work better ^^ Please confirm if you are still getting errors so I can help further As for platebody smithing, will update the button for it in the upcoming update, thanks ^^ Same applies for darts, will update the menus asap As for same tiles, try to set the camera zoom to far away (maximum) so there's no walking, I usually randomize the tiles but there's like 15 tiles in between the bank and the furnace, not much randomization is possible. I will see what I can do anyway, and perhaps make it a bit more random ^^
  5. For lavas, if doing normally without magic imbue: Wear binding necklace, dueling ring (at least 2 charges), earth talisman, if using pouches, get 2 earth talismans, earth runes, pure essence. That is all you need and it will work 100%. Also make sure to run the bot using non-resized resolution, and start the bot at castle wars bank. You must be configuring the bot incorrectly, post your setup so I can help you Please post your setups so I can help, both of you. Also feel free to add me on discord so we can get this solved ASAP @koke242 Can you screenshot your setup window to show all the options you enabled? I will help
  6. Okay so osrs changed the action name from 'Craft all' to 'Craft', I just updated the code and pushed update version v18, this one needed an actual code non-server update so we gotta wait until the update gets approved by the staff. Update v18 will automatically go live within a few hours, paint will say v18.0 once it's live. Good luck guys ^^
  7. Yeah it's nobody's fault, we just need to know how to replicate it and I'm 100% sure the devs will post a new update within hours.
  8. Will update opal bracelets for the new update ASAP ^^
  9. Trade is a bit weird it works 50/50 for some reason it’s not replicated easily enough to post a solid bug report for, but it should be fixed if there was a way to reproduce the bug
  10. Mirror client hooking is key, make sure you are logged out during the whole process, otherwise you will get 0 npcs 0 items 0 objects. So stay logged out the whole time, once the clients hook, login manually, let the clients load by walking around a bit, opening interfaces etc, then you're set to either bot or develop scripts.
  11. Glad to hear dstones work better ^^ Let me know if you have any other suggestions/ideas/bugs I can help with + add updates for ^^ Activated trials good luck guys ^^
  12. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    New Update (v191) - Coin pouches are now updated, bot will now open them perfectly - Added improvement to run click system, it will no longer spam it sometimes - Added option 'Turn off run', which is useful for ardougne knights - Dropping system speed improvements Update will automatically go live within 24 hours good luck guys ^^ Thanks for all your support and feedback, really appreciate it
  13. Yep, working on adding a new update for the combat + door system (mid-route handler), should be much better in the upcoming update ^^ Thanks for all the support guys
  14. Once you pay the initial cost, you don't need to pay that anymore (the $15), but the monthlies you do need to pay ($5) each month, you can cancel it and start it whenever you wish. Hope this answers your question ^^
  15. Okay that dragonstone specific bug seems to be server-sided, so I have hot-fixed it. It should not require any updating since it was just an ID/name change. Please restart script, I can confirm dragonstone bracelets are now working ^^
  16. Hmm for response times, in which areas is the bot slow? Is it the same thing as before with the delay after runecrafting the runes? As for deaths, which armor are you equipping and what's your cb level, also did you enable food? I usually eat when health below 70% after each banking run, but then again I use rune armour and rarely go below 50%. As for emergency teleport, will check that out too, which teleport did you set? Anyhow, add me on Discord, some of the features you are describing are specialized and I will need more insight on what changes you want specifically EDIT: Also, are you enabling shift-drop ingame? It is much faster than normal ^^
  17. Will check out dragonstone bracelet ASAP Activated trials, there is an update pending for dstone.
  18. Activated trials good luck guys ^^
  19. Ah got it, I will see what I can do ^^ As for updates, as soon as an update is posted, the code needs to be verified + approved by staff just to make sure everything is clean, and then the update will automatically go live. This process usually takes a couple hours, I think it happens 2-3 times a day normally
  20. Will add a failsafe for battleaxe spec, and will check out the rock crabs looting + unicorn issue, the looting is not letting it do anything useful. I will make some more changes
  21. @TTBot Will be adding a new update following feedback ASAP, expect an update within a few hours Thanks! Also with Point. 2; The delay is fixed, you can't do any action after runecrafting until the animation is fully done, taking about ~2.5 seconds I think? I will make sure this is the case - I added that delay intentionally and can easily remove it ^^ However I don't think combo runes have the delay, I will need to check. As for points 1 and 3, will definitely add some improvements and changes to those ^^ @neonoxus9 As for proxies, they are supported, but mirror client (VIP client) does not support proxies (applies to all bots on OSBot), however I do think there is a way to set a proxy to your machine and bypass this ^^
  22. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    @falled Using mirror mode? Log out of all accounts, restart both clients, launch clients again, login manually without running a bot, walk around/open interfaces for a moment, run the bot, and it should work much much better. There is a weird bug with mirror client if it's not hooked correctly it will not detect npcs. If not using mirror client, ignore completely, and confirm if you made sure to set the game resolution to non-resized/fixed mode (classic rs layout). Let me know how it goes As for dropping - just did a test run, the speed could be improved a lot more, despite lowering reaction timer. So I have converted over my dropping system from the fishing and woodcutting script over to this bot. Posted update v188, update will automatically go live within 24 hours good luck guys As for trials, activated trials good luck guys More updates to come!
  23. Will check out the GE handler ASAP, update coming up! As for trials, activated good luck guys
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