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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Hello there has been a user who has received a ban and has left a negative feedback on me saying I have no customer service please remove since it is scripting-related. Especially since his entire posting history has flame/troll/swearing in it.*
  2. Done activated trials good luck guys, will give extra time since a nice update is coming ^^ UIM - this was definitely requested a lot in this thread, I will be adding support for this ASAP. I think it is already supported code-wise so I just need to add an option for it in the setup menu, will do this ASAP As for SW motherlode and mining rockfalls before pay-dirt, can you confirm if you have 'Mine more rockfalls' option enabled (anti-ban tab)? In any case I will test with and without this option to make sure. As for bans, don't worry, more efficiency/tick-perfect = more risky in terms of bans. Slower is always preferred to keep accounts safe. As long as you're replying to in-game chat you usually don't get reported from players. With that being said I will debug and update this ASAP ^^ As for repairing struts, I usually keep a hammer in inventory while turning off 'Drop Hammer' in anti-ban tab. However it may be deposited if you selected the 'Bank ores via Bank-All' option, I will need to allow compatibility for these two options in the next update. As for the random one I will add extra precautions and perhaps a bias to avoid going to the same place. With dismissing randoms, did you disable the option in the OSBot Settings -> Dismiss random events? Please confirm. I can easily override it and add it to the bot so please get back to me on that ^^ Thanks guys I appreciate the bug reports, got some nice updates underway, along with a gems update too. Also here's a 24 hour proggy thanks to Degree!
  3. reaction timer of 500-1000 ms is still too slow, you need 50ms if running mirror mode (only if you care about speed) otherwise stealth injection would have to be used since it's the faster client As for logging out every 30 seconds this isn't programmed in the script to happen, are you experiencing any errors in the console log? Please confirm so I can help you get started ^^ As for trials - done good luck enjoy Got a nice update underway, some features that were requested for a long time ^^ As for selecting rock while walking - should be fixed in the upcoming version thanks for the find ^^ CLI mode yep it is coming, along with saved profiles and task mode
  4. Czar


    Yeah I remember the early days when you could bot for 3 days straight lmao ^^
  5. Massive new update (a lot of new features) coming for this bot, the goldfarmers here will be super happy when it goes live ^^ Apologies for the delay, a lot of code was changed, re-written and a lot more was added. I will message you (and give trial) when it goes live, I am hoping to release it within 2 days.
  6. Done good luck on trials guys - as for barricades yep please make sure to withdraw logs from bank instead of woodcutting, as the trees do not respawn and there's a limited supply.
  7. I will check that out, can you confirm it's not a mirror hooking issue? If not using mirror ignore. Otherwise restart both clients and don't login until RS loads, then login manually and start the script. As for staminas, are you sure you have the correct item (check the console logger if there is an error) and confirm please. In the meantime I will test that right now. Will be debugging stamina and dwarf weed potion for the upcoming update, my apologies.
  8. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    It is entirely random how much the camera moves, if it moves too much I will definitely lower the frequency chance - I will be adding an update for Pollnivneach rooftops ASAP EDIT: Please note it was only added for anti-ban purposes, if you want more xp/efficiency I highly recommend against it but I can always make everything optional so everyone is happy ^^
  9. Done good luck, enjoy
  10. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Yes seed box is being worked on I still need to unlock it on my main so I can fully support it in the bot, but it is definitely coming ^^ Same applies for rogue's maze, I want this bot to be the first on OSBot with a fully functioning rogue's den maze outfit grabber ^^ As for trials activated, enjoy
  11. Webwalker 2 is good for non-dungeons and just walking around on the runescape surface, webwalker 1 is good for everything else, stronghold of security, all dungeons (unless it's a newer dungeon released within the last month or so). I am in the process of adding the Slepe (and its dungeon) to webwalker 1, I will be giving out more info on the main thread as well as the future discord server being opened ^^ As for planner - next update will be heavily focused on the planner, CLI, all task-levelling modes and equipment, as well as ensuring that the entire mode is actually saving time ^^ As for lagging and bans, make sure to read the guide on the best botting practises: Preventing RS Botting Bans V3 - Botting & Bans - OSBot :: 2007 OSRS Botting the script performance has improved however it is a large and complex script so it will be a bit more heavy on memory than the average script, if you turn off some options such as 'only loot my kills' and anything that tracks kills, you should see a huge boost in performance. The more options you select the heavier the bot gets to a certain degree, but even then it is not noticeable at all, if you have at least 4-8 GB total ram you will never see the script hiccup unless you are running it for 20 hours a day and pausing/stopping the client frequently. Also guys, yesterday's update is live, enjoy. Got another nice update coming today Sorry about the lack of changelog, I will be posting the full changelog as soon as I can below ^^ Happy botting
  12. Will be pushing feedback update within the hour, thanks guys keep it up! ^^ Please note if you have a problem and it is not explained well, at least provide your save for the config so I can test it out. So far the following changes are added: Specs/shield patch, looting, bone burying and paint changes, along with other misc changes thanks to various users on discord. As for the stopping randomly please show your setup so I can help ^^ If there are any errors in the console please paste them or pm me so I can help you quicker, I am online in my discord 24/7 just make sure to message me.
  13. Will check out the rock crab thing, was it disconnected via internet or via breaks? Please confirm so I know what to look for. As for trials activated refresh scripts. Just posted a quick update fixing the inventory/specs thing where it hovers the first item on your inventory, should be live within a few moments. The larger update v261 is coming within a few hours.
  14. For doors if you set up a fightzone behind a door it may work, or a safespot behind the doors, anything which will get the bot to move there - in the meantime I will add an update for doors and a fail-safe for climbing ladders in edgeville by accident too. EDIT: Also webwalker 2 may help in some situations (temporarily) As for selecting different combat levels, I will add a setup option to differentiate npcs by combat level, should be added in v261 today. As for slayer, yes I will add some sort of function to toggle between skills, to choose slayer too. Appreciate the support you are awesome sir As for the script moving cursor to top left (first item slot) or attempting to equip armour - should be fixed as of yesterday, my apologies - was experimenting with special attacks + barrows code, it is fully patched now. As for trials activated good luck guys, enjoy Appreciate all the kind words, support and feedback guys, keep it up ^^ Update v261 is coming and it is a massive update, lots of new features and changes that you will all appreciate.
  15. Will make some speed improvements for the upcoming version, as well as a few other changes and additions. As for trials - done good luck guys, double trial since there is a new update coming. ban rate for master/worker is near 0 for the master, for the worker it depends on your botting habits/strategy, try not to bot for longer than 3 hours at a single time, also take breaks, however workers are throwaway accounts so some people just suicide bot them. ban rate in general depends on your botting hours and if you’re botting on multiple accounts at the same time, eliminating these red flags will give you a lot more success
  16. New Update (v87) - Added some improvements to marrentill/tarromins, and other herbs too - Added Amulet of Chemistry support - Added option for clicking bank booths - Added a few tweaks to speed Update will automatically go live within 24 hours, will be doing a final test run before pushing. Thanks for all the support and feedback guys, apologies for the delay on chemistry amulet. Enjoy As for trials - activated enjoy, let me know if you need more trial time
  17. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Done good luck on trials ^^ Werewolf course is not supported but I am working on it Wilderness is though - enjoy guys
  18. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Refresh scripts again, it should be sorted now my apologies
  19. Let me know if you run into any issues or if you have any new ideas/suggestions for the next update, enjoy!
  20. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Make sure you don't thieve with a full inventory, it will work, otherwise where is the loot going to go? Please confirm if this works for you. So to clarify: leave at least 3 empty inventory spaces for the coins and the coin pouch, so the bot doesn't trigger the banking stage. As for blackjacking right now only wines are supported for re-stocking but I have noted food underway. I highly recommend not using food due to the fact that food will be consumed and leave you with empty inventory slots (no good for blackjacking), the main method for blackjacking is to interrupt combat via attempting to pickpocket while having a full inventory, I will try get a youtube video explanation on this in case anyone wants to know further. As for thieving to 99, what's your current stats? My advice is to pickpocket all the way, avoid stalls unless you absolutely must, it's too idle/watched and dropping 27 items each time is too repetitive - however we are undergoing a recent low ban wave for some reason (just my observation!). I will give you a trial so you can test it out. Activated all trials - good luck guys, hope you enjoy! Please let me know if you have any questions or suggestions/issues. To get everyone up to speed: rogue's outfit grabber is still under development, blackjacking is experimental and not apart of the official script - so disclaimer: please do not buy the script for blackjacking it is not officially supported and requires babysitting to run, a good setup is required (NE spot is ideal).
  21. @jmoneyswag you are epic sir, please let me know if you have any suggestions/ideas for the next update, keep it up ^^ Please bot responsibly I don't wanna see any bans @WildLoki Ah was it a fresh account? Was it rested at all, with good botting or legit history etc? I highly recommend reading this guide for preventing bans: https://osbot.org/forum/topic/124429-preventing-rs-botting-bans-v3/ Ban rate as of ~1 week seems to be super low across all bots, unless manually flagged by a jmod, did you take all the responsible steps when botting? At least replying to in-game chat, avoiding botting on multiple accounts, doing tutorial by hand etc. Also where did you bot? Chickens/cows/seagulls and anywhere in lumbridge isn't really a good place to bot, it's one of the most watched areas and riskiest to bot (in my experience and from what I'm observing from other botters) With that being said, I have posted a new update and will be adding more tweaks/improvements, especially to make banking even more efficient and smooth for complex setups, including an update to allow re-gearing/potting while bank interface is open etc. Also the two plugins GDK and revenants are almost complete, I hope I will be able to push the update later today.
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