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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Sure, working on some updates as we speak - especially more dmm ones. As for bot launching, it seems to be launching fine, let me know if you have any errors so I can help! (Console log via top right -> options)
  2. we have all henceforth been flexed upon rip
  3. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Will update stamina ASAP. I will test with both potion types too - to make sure they are not interfering with one another. It will be working much better in the next version. Will also make some improvements to Poll + Seers, although I really want the seers one to stay since mistakes are super good for looking human, maybe I will just make it super rare, or completely optional so we all win!
  4. Re-activated, lemme know if it still doesn't appear in your list. Enjoy, lemme know if you run into any issues or have any suggestions for upcoming version!
  5. Yes, GE is fully supported, gave you a trial enjoy!
  6. Yes. Agree, please bot safely and use breaks, jagex stepped up their game recently, I wish we could bot non-stop like back in the day
  7. Done enjoy trials Master/worker updated, let me know if you run into any issues or have suggestions for the next update. If master doesn't bot, it won't get banned. Make sure to stay in a vanilla osrs client or runelite, no fancy clients for the master (for maximum safety)!
  8. For the quickest way, it's best to read already-functioning open-source scripts, and make small adjustments for your specific needs. That is a shortcut to learning how to script, sometimes it's more motivating/fun to just get coding instead of reading all the theory about java and knowing all the textbook stuff. In the code/tutorial/snippet section of this subforum there are tons of open-source snippets and full scripts you can take a look at. Good luck sir!
  9. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Dodgy necklaces yep they are supported, along with gloves of silence too, I would recommend bringing 2-3 dodgy necklaces max - also please make sure not to bot too much! As for double clicking stalls, will disable this option (regretfully) since I had intended on keeping this as an anti-ban feature. No complaints if you get banned after this is removed! Bear in mind, robotic/perfect/no mistakes = bad, and messy/mistake-ful = humanlike. Some players strictly double-click, others single-click, and some even do both interchangeably. I may offer this as an option, to keep the ban-rate low however, so I'll make sure everyone is happy! I highly recommend against botting on new accounts, especially after botting tutorial island, it's literally a matter of time before the banhammer with that setup.. (in my opinion!) Trials - activated enjoy, will give double trials so you can compare the new update. EDIT: Also guys, I've forgotten to mention: A few days back I've added an update for Rogues' den maze, it's more stable than before, and I've added an update regarding Kourend castle, and various other banks - it should be banking much better now! Now onto clicking, stalls, dropping and a few anti-ban behaviours for the upcoming update.
  10. Will be doing some more updates in response to feedback, keep it coming guys! I will make sure everyone's suggestions/ideas/issues are accounted for. Will be splitting up updates into mini subversions (e.g. 266.4, 266.5) for every small patch I add. As for trials, activated enjoy, let me know if you run into any issues or have any feedback. Thanks guys! Keep it up
  11. Posted a few small updates over the past few days, will be adding more changes/features as I go along. Activated trials enjoy! If you want anything in particular added to the bot, let me know please guys!
  12. New Update (v266.0) - Updated herb sack, now supports both opened and closed herb sack -- With closed herb sack it will fill it up each time it loots a herb (and if there's room!) - Superior slayer monsters improved, also features a 15-second timeout for stability purposes - World hop functions now apply to Cannon fighting too, all conditions are fully working with cannon - Added a handler for clearing up junk if we don't have room to pick-up our cannon - Added support for magic potions - Added more weapon types to the Attack Style switcher (maces too!) - Fixed an issue with looting, including stackable items (no longer leaves certain items on the ground) - Fixed an issue with profit calculator and stackable items - Updated speed for equipping/de-equipping barrows armour - Repair cannon code is now more accurate within ~1 tile now, no longer repairs others' cannons by accident - Added fail-safe to open the gate before attacking Chaos druids in Edgeville dungeon (wildy) - Added fail-safe for walking to safespot tile, should be misclicking less frequently - Fixed an issue that caused all crab plugins to move around too much when looting - Fixed an issue with GDK regarding teleports, bot will know more accurately determine what to do next - Fixed an issue with GDK regarding looting and being attacked immediately thereafter - Added delay for tele-grabbing so it doesn't operate too quickly - Added a major update to the way Crabs are handled (all crabs) - Fixed issue regarding combat: also no longer attacks other people's crabs if not instructed to do so (aggression level 4) - Fixed Webwalking for crabs, no longer gets stuck trying to walk to refresh aggro - Brass key/hill giants entrance improved This is just part 1 of the update, next one is already being worked on as we speak, I have saved every single feedback/suggestion/concern from Discord/pm's/thread and will be doing another update for v267.0 with more exciting updates. Update will automatically go live within a few hours, rest assured I haven't missed any feedback, they are either in this version or the next, some had to be added to the next due to the amount of code changes necessary. So sorry that this update doesn't include Demonic gorillas, I will be posting a sneak peak/preview of Demonics ASAP Next update will also include an improved spec handler for re-equipping gear, as mentioned in the above posts
  13. Got an epic update (v96.0) on the way, it's epic ^^
  14. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Done, enjoy trials Alching not supported, because alching while agility is too risky in terms of bans unfortunately
  15. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    @JulieAkira what is your reaction time on mirror mode? If it's 50ms then it may be dropping quickly. Regardless I will be adding an update to slow down dropping and update the drop all function for all stalls! @thekingwillwhip Hey At your level I would be doing either ardy knights for xp, or master farmers for profit IMO. If you can lure an ardy knight or find a readily lured one in ardy bank, even better. Another alternative would be blackjacking, however it needs to be babysat since no luring and limited banking. With the NW spot (ladders spot) you can maybe blackjack for a longer time than normal though, however the setup is super specific and works best with a full inventory (jug of wines).
  16. New Update (v127.0) - Added dragon pickaxe spec from minimap - Added new update for sack - Added an update for walking system Update will automatically go live within a few hours, my apologies guys. This new update works much better - let me know if you run into any issues or have any recommendations for the next version. EDIT: Update is now live!
  17. Sounds like a good idea, also a step in the right direction for supporting cannon for rocks (using the same code) thanks sir! Will add this. Done, activated trial enjoy!
  18. @3lkHunter Hmm how so? This bot has more features, and includes banking for more logs, choosing log type and how many to withdraw. Or woodcutting in-game (which I highly recommend against, since other players will just chop too, and trees don't respawn in pest control). Also bear in mind the bot is designed to repair like a human with typical human mistakes (such as slower interactions, more thinking, etc), so it may not appear as robotic - for helping with bans.. Oh well to each their own! If something's not to your expectation/standard, let me know and it'll be added/changed. This bot was designed with competition in mind, and being better than the competition of course! As for trials, enjoy
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