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Everything posted by Czar

  1. SickOfGrinding: Will check this out, update coming up. Does glory (non jewellery tab) work better or same issue? I’ll have to see if it needs configuring differently. You need earth runes to do lavas, it’s best to carry a huge stack, so earth runes, binding necklace, earth talisman (or magic imbue), duelling rings and that should be it Novabots will give trial so you can test out master/worker mode. It gives everything the master needs, including binding necklace.
  2. Script is back online lemme know if you guys can’t launch it so I can contact staff again. Enjoy! Also guys check out @Chris scripts he has a few epic ones including Vorkath bot, agility, fungus and more
  3. Just messaged staff, bot should be back online within a few hours!
  4. We’ll resolve this, bots should be back online within a couple hours
  5. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    @DailyBot Does it launch now? Please confirm!
  6. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Blackjack is not supported. It is a beta feature under development. More news on this soon. Disclaimer: Please do not trial/purchase the bot solely for blackjack. Elf npc and bank: have already been coded will be featured in next version. Have also been finishing up on loading/saving profiles, as well as ‘Load previous settings’ feature. Aside from those, general improvements and maintenance has been performed, as well as responses to pm/discord feedback, will try to get the new update released by midnight BST. EDIT: Script seems to not be launching, just contacted staff to resolve this, should be back online within a few minutes.
  7. @ohgeeszn1 Any success? The setup requires: binding necklace, dueling ring, earth talisman, fire tiara (equipped), earth runes (held in inventory), and pure essence (rune ess is not for combo runes), and optional: essence pouches - quite a lengthy list of requirements but it's good xp. Please make sure to bot responsibly (with breaks too), no more than 1-1.5 hours per session for lavas, for abyss you can get away with 2 hrs and for master/worker slightly higher (for workers), for masters you're fine. Also guys if you run into any issues please at least give some information so I can help/update immediately, the more info - the quicker the update (less time spent on investigating/searching). I'm also currently working on a nice update for more mud travel options, ZMI upgrades and anti-ban/behaviour refresh; can't wait to do another version release! Activated trials gl guys!
  8. I'm about to post the update in a few moments, before I do - in which way did the previous one feel better, I will convert existing code from the previous version to the new one, or maybe offer an option to choose which version to run. Do you think the walking system worked better in the older version? Or combat, or looting, or resetting aggro (walking too), please elaborate, I want to make the bot exactly how you guys want it ^_^ EDIT: @SK2 which crab area? I'll improve it. I recently made a change for determining if we are in fight area and it may react differently in this version, please lemme know so I can update and make sure everything's okay. I'll be testing all sand crab locations in the meantime. EDIT: posted v19.0, more to come. Bot is as stable as ever, working well. Tasks & goal levels interface is back too. Currently im awaiting more feedback and will do more releases
  9. Ty sir, I’ll get to work and resolve these issues ASAP. Expect another update today.
  10. Script is back online thanks to Token for being a beast. Gl guys
  11. @Rarest any answers? If not dont worry no problem I will just try everything until something appears and then I’ll update. Please bear in mind it is recommended to not loot coins because there’s so many spawns and its not worth looting. Also bear in mind it is recommended to not have a full inventory, ~5 lobsters is fine they are super low combat so they will rarely hit. also will be adding support for more variations of food e.g. karambwan in the next version.
  12. Whats the issue with banking, did you set a non full inventory as your loadout? Please confirm. As for looting will check this out, I added a tile distance limit so it won’t venture far. For running to altar, should I make it not run as far? More changes coming up.
  13. Another round of updates/improvements will be posted shortly, within a few hours you'll all notice a new version. Enjoy!
  14. Update v99.4 is now live, it also fixes the above issues, and teleports are now activated, also no more deaths at ice cave during questing. Also resolved the script run issue that affected some users. enjoy! More new releases to come!
  15. Bot is now online, gl guys! Will activate trials shortly, enjoy Lemme know if you guys run into any issues or have any ideas/suggestions for the next version!
  16. Clockworks and birdhouses not supported yet but I’m willing to add them in the next release. As for trials will activate shortly
  17. @crazylife will take a look and update ASAP. Many apologies: I’ll make sure this is working better. @HighImHi is this with mac or windows or linux? Make sure you click with the first mouse button, but to be able to select them you need to enable screen mode at the initial setup window. So it is the option on the right part of the main setup screen.
  18. Update v132.0 is now live, enjoy! - Walking bug fixed (western area too) - Random coordinates for walking to new sectors is now cached, helps with performance and stability - Hammer is no longer dropped if you didn't tell the bot to drop it - Drop gems is no longer overriden for 81/multi-ore mode, you can now choose to keep or drop them - Misc changes which were listed in the previous page. Update is now officially live, refresh clients and gl EDIT: Here's a small results for you guys (ignore the version, it should say v132.0 below)
  19. Fixed, bot is now online again, should start correctly now. Also the previous update is now live, more to come. ZMI update is being worked on too.
  20. Bot is now online, gl guys! Trials also activated enjoy Will take a look at adding Daeyalt essence mining, I hope the reqs aren't too high, I may have missed the release for this piece of content
  21. wrong forum! I will check that out asap. Will have to re-compile the blast furnace bot. As for motherlode mine, i'm going to be doing a sizeable re-write for certain aspects of the script, more info to come. EDIT: Found a couple issues which need updating. Guys - do not use the random area option unless mining upstairs. Also, please don't use the mid-west, or west option (either in map or list), those need updating too. Will be posting a release shortly resolving these issues. Version v132.0 will be released shortly which addresses all feedback/posts above/discord messages, thanks guys!
  22. Yes working on karambwans as we speak, if anyone has a banking method they would like to see included for karambwans let me know asap
  23. Done, re-load client, I just checked and the bot is now online! Shout out to Token for being a beast and being super helpful & patient in the matter. If anyone still has issues lemme know I'll sort it out ASAP.
  24. Re-posted update version v18.0, should fix the above issues permanently. Update will automatically go live within a few hours. The task panel for levelling has been temporarily disabled for stability reasons, will be added in v19.0 tomorrow.
  25. Some users may be unable to start the bot temporarily (seems to happen to other bots too) Just contacted staff - should be resolved and back online within a few hours
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