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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Use mirror mode, use proxies with proxifier and you should see better progress, 24 hour bans means that you are doing something wrong in terms of botting strategy. Done, gl sir Yes and yes, once muling goes I'll be activating more trials dw about it. I am making sure the script will be 100% automated, with bond accepting too. Still working on it though!
  2. Czar

    Perfect Wintertodt

    Got some amazing updates on the way, thanks to everyone with the help. Also thanks to a few scripters helping me with some code too! Yesterday's update (v1.87) is now live, next one will be v1.9 later today, you guys will see even more improvements xD EDIT: @flewis we are hiding the script to work on it so it's 100% flawless. the script was released a bit earlier than it should have, but we are working on it ASAP. But for the record, roughly gets 1-50 fm with less than 50k gp. and then an extra 10-20k for equipment/food/jewellery. If doing HCIM then you can't buy logs so you gotta use a woodcutting bot. Clue hunter outfit is also being worked on so we can get HCIMs using the script too.
  3. Czar

    Perfect Wintertodt

    Posted another update for v1.86 regarding Jug of wines and saradomin brews, should work better with this option as the food. Please use a non-drink food until v1.86 goes live!
  4. Czar

    Perfect Wintertodt

    Update is now live enjoy! Lemme know if you guys wanna see any more changes/updates for the next version.
  5. Make sure not to click [Skip quests], it will only do quests if you haven't completed [Knights sword] [Dorics quest] and haven't started [The giant dwarf] For movements and walking, it should randomly walk both paths, it's best for antiban tbh, otherwise walking the same path will just be botlike. Also, did you see any errors while questing? I need to know what happened so I can help, please show the logger (top right -> settings -> toggle logger)
  6. Done gl guys, activated trials
  7. Czar

    Perfect Wintertodt

    I just checked it's still pending, hopefully it's live anytime soon usually happens twice a day I'll message staff so we can use it ASAP
  8. Hmmm using cannon in stronghold, I need to see if that's possible, if so I'll definitely add something like that in the stronghold plugin, same applies for rock crabs I need to add cannon support there too. Also guys update v270.0 should be live, with another release coming to ammonite crabs too, should work better, and world hopping in general for v270.1, shout out to @garix92 for the help. I'll also take a look at sands @Rayen9 and add a feature to prevent that from happening. I do recommend botting in ammonites over sands btw, in terms of ban rates
  9. Czar

    Perfect Wintertodt

    3/4 should be fixed in v1.82 today, just waiting on staff, shouldn't take too long hopefully within a couple hours xD I'll check out the axe thingy now, I think I didn't change the axe in this version. Also, game messages filtered or standard? And is your food min/max the same? E.g. Cake 6 6 or Cake 6 4 or something? It shouldn't matter in the new release anyway so dw about it
  10. For worker you mean? yes it's possible
  11. Czar

    Perfect Wintertodt

    Will check these out now, and your food settings? Cake, numberA, numberB I'm going to do a test run with no settings enabled, and Cake, 6, 6. I'll make sure it works much better for you, thank you sir! Being worked on as we speak Also guys, update v1.8 should be available within a couple hours, this is yesterday's update. EDIT: Found an issue with cakes, will be making some changes now for v1.81 EDIT 2: Posted update v1.82, will automatically go live within a couple hours enjoy!
  12. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    What a flippin legend!!! Congratz!! Added to main thread, good job sir! EDIT: have you thought about the next 99 yet? or taking break. Personally I'd take a break for a few days, that thieving cape is insane xD
  13. Done enjoy, ~2 releases are now live enjoy guys!
  14. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Done enjoy trials! Rogues den isn’t supported it’s just a helper, attention to all users: do not buy the script for blackjacking or rogues den. With that being said energy restore update for rogues den is coded, will push it as soon as I can. If anyones used the rogues den recently, how’s the new version going? Any fails recently?
  15. Czar


    Store buying is now supported, enjoy!
  16. There is coal bag, but you must hold the bag in inventory and it will activate. Muling is being worked on currently
  17. Not yet, very good ideas. Will be adding this to the list of features to come, I'd like the script to be fully automated (from new accs to maxed accs). Update v263.4 posted, should automatically go live within a few hours enjoy! (ZMI & Abyss improvements)
  18. Czar

    Perfect Wintertodt

    Will be added/modified in the upcoming release, ty! For drop food, I don't understand, so dropping food when points are low? Sounds good. Break timers is also a good idea, will add this in the stop conditions tab.
  19. Hmm personally I check all except brawler, unless i'm ranging then I select all of them. magic/range is good for attacking npcs, and only good for portals if you have high enough magic/range, or if you play in the lower levelled boats
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