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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Done enjoy! Good timing! Weekend's the best for longer botting
  2. I've heard this recently, we're investigating the issue I think it's related to my setup panels which are long gone by this point but we will see. How are breaks btw? Any improvements? Also does the logger say something like [Inventory container is null] for you? As for trials activated enjoy, lemme know if both you guys have any issues or questions.
  3. I think it's trying to look for the portal object. what's your camera zoom level? Is it default or zoomed out? It should be zoomed out, if it already is then ignore. I'll review this and take a look. I think it's jagex's way of catching bots by blocking the portal's click area behind the essence object, we will see ^^
  4. Czar

    Perfect Wintertodt

    Update v2.4 is now live, enjoy. Got a few more features to add/tweak before it's fully ready. Please provide as much feedback (small details too) as possible guys xD
  5. Huge respect and kudos to you sir, please keep us updated on the status of your account if you decide to appeal the ban or not, or if you've started a new one.
  6. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Next update is almost complete, will announce details as soon as I can
  7. We're working on getting this patched for #6.4 Will check this out now. Does it work better if you add the ammo to your looting window and [Wait after kill], [Only loot my tiles]? In any case update coming up for v272 today. All trials activated enjoy!
  8. No worries, lemme know if you have any questions
  9. Done activated trials enjoy! Please be careful with botting, 3 hours in one go is a bit much, try to be more responsibly and take more breaks etc, check out this guide for a better way of botting: Preventing RS Botting Bans V3 - Botting & Bans - OSBot :: 2007 OSRS Botting Also, update v142.1 is now live, enjoy @Xiez lemme know if you have any feedback so I can make tweaks/changes for future updates.
  10. Make sure to alch items that are stacked or noted, otherwise there's no point xD Done enjoy! Make sure to speed it up on mirror by setting the reaction time to 50 or 100ms, you will see quicker casts. If you already did this then please ignore You mean as in CLI support? It's not supported yet but it's being worked on, huge demand for this option nowadays
  11. Done enjoy, gave blast furnace trial too since you may be intending to use that one
  12. @XiezBandit un-noting released, it should automatically go live within a couple hours. Latest version will show up as: v142.1 The current update (v142.0) doesn't drop waterskins when un-noting at bandit camp, however it should be fixed in v142.1 today. Please try to avoid having saradomin/zamorak equipment because the bandits are aggressive and will attack, and the bot is not programmed to avoid the bandits (in terms of combat) so please be careful. Please wait until v142.1 to fully use the new feature. Shilo is supported but not the underground mine, I still need to unlock the achievement diary for those Trials activated enjoy!
  13. Yep it supports adding bolt tips. Download osbot client and then it will ask you to choose which bot to run, select fletching and done
  14. @stakeinthekneeeI'll take another look and post a new update
  15. Be careful, try botting in p2p for better success, avoid multiple account botting for now until you get more experience with botting
  16. Please check inventory/banking for food/potions. I recommend [Don't bank for food] option enabled. If going to the isle then bring coins (at least 10k per trip). Kk dw about it, it's better to not hop anyway since it just complicates everything I intended for the [Attack other crabs] option to start fighting other crabs, i'll check this out too. If you have afk mode then it may be sticking to the tile that you started the script on, please be careful. Update coming up.
  17. Yesterday's update has been committed, should automatically go live within 24 hours Will be posting another update for v272.0 today regarding more feedback. Also trials activated enjoy!
  18. Enjoy! Lemme know if you have any ideas/suggestions for more updates Sorry for late reply
  19. Done enjoy! We've got an update coming up regarding easier restocking and better resized support
  20. Czar

    Perfect Wintertodt

    Does this happen when the bot runs out of food? Please confirm so I can fix ASAP! Also does it work better if you set more food in the setup window? Like Monkfish > 6 > 6, or if lower-hp then Cake > 6 > 6. The first number is how many food to withdraw, and the second number is the minimum food to have each game. So if you start a new game and you have 5 food, it will go bank to get that 1 final food. Also try get a steel axe, tinderbox, light the brazier initially. Fletch if you want better success with wins etc. We are in beta testing now it'll be back on the store in the next 1-2 version updates - we are gathering user feedback/opinion/suggestions/issues and updating them accordingly so the bot works better and better each time. EDIT: Posted release v2.2 - will automatically go live in a couple hours enjoy!
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