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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Done enjoy New Update (v150.0) - Added saving/loading profiles - Fixed an issue with pouches for all: master/worker, abyss, zmi - Fixed an issue with ring of life and abyss - Major re-write of the script's code - Added some improvements to master/worker and trading - Added new behaviours for helping to prevent bans Another huge update is on the way, just needed to post these because they are ready. More to come! Update will automatically go live within a couple hours, enjoy.
  2. Legend! Welcome back sir @SteeMurrLovakite not yet supported but I will take a look at it, hopefully it doesn't have any super high reqs @Tinusja Yes sandstone grinding is supported (both bandit un-noting and lunar humidify method)
  3. Will check this out and post a new update today
  4. Welcome back @Xanthippie! Herblore is insane profit nowadays but it requires a huge initial investment, so making 1k unfinished ranarr potions is like 6m, we are trying to get GE auto restocking released so it'll be more automated and less hassle ^^ For runecrafting I've been doing some insane updates over the past couple weeks, I recommend doing lavas up to 77 and then bloods once I release them. Or double cosmics with the new cosmic method we've added recently ^^ Just be careful, take breaks and don't bot for more than 2 hours at a time without taking breaks and you should be good
  5. Posted new update for fishing, should automatically go live within a couple hours As for donation ty I appreciate it! But I would prefer you keep it! Infernal eels yes they'll be added, I've got the req for them so I can add them now.
  6. @kevin1993 fixed, just modified the webwalker nodes it should be working better now. Also if possible, have you tried webwalker setting 2? It should work better for overground/surface combat e.g. near draynor @GPjunky yes - trial activated @eremenow done enjoy @mixh yes but make sure to not add it to the bank list, the bot will do it automatically. and keep the looting bag open at all times. I've only done extended test runs at chaos druids with looting bag, i'll test more wildy npcs. as for breaks - did you enable them in the osbot client, it should let you choose how many minutes to bot and break for. try to add randomised numbers to be more humanlike, so like bot for: 60-90 minutes and break for 45-60 minutes also crab update should now be live you guys should be seeing improved walking and looting there. lemme know if you notice anything else. still working on a new task window to customise/schedule which order to train skills on
  7. Thank you! Will address each point in the upcoming release. I'm also a big fan of the right-clicking idea, should help with preventing bans too. EDIT: Also please don't forget to use breaks when botting, and try to keep botting sessions under 2 hours followed by breaks, you should see some great results
  8. Didn't know that was possible, I'll add support for that now! It's already coded since I have a similar system in my runecrafter (performing actions while bank is open) so should be a quick update ^^ EDIT: Xp rates for some reason wiki has unrealistic profit/xp rates, we've all tried to replicate in runelite by hand, and it's just not possible. I'm not sure how they would allow wrong information on the wikipedia but it is what it is
  9. Done enjoy sir The best time to bot blast furnace was over the weekend but it's fine dw about it. I'll give another trial before the next weekend so you can have the full experience
  10. Done both given trials enjoy!
  11. Czar

    Perfect Wintertodt

    Done and done, both given extended auths because we need all the feedback we can get for release. With that being said just posted a couple updates and they are now live. Enjoy
  12. The minigame is high risk no matter which bots you use, because there are a lot of players/bots there in general and it's a hotspot. However botting carefully (with breaks) you should be fine. I'd say 1 hr botting sessions followed by at least a 1 hr break would be the safest way to go about it. I'm going to do gold bars here on my new account and I'll update you guys how it goes Done activated trials for both of you, enjoy
  13. Done enjoy guys Also yes bird house crafting is supported, it's good profit I think nowadays I'll have to double-check the wiki to make sure
  14. I will add a safety feature for GE limits in the next update ^^ Also guys - yesterday's update just went live, enjoy!
  15. Hmmm it shouldn't be depositing the lobster pot, I will take a look at this and post a new update. If you notice any errors in the console logger lemme know so I can help. Do you think it was from a misclick btw? (Deposit-all button) As for trials activated enjoy Got some amazing updates on the way
  16. Got 77 runecrafting, guys prepare for blood runecrafting support! Trials activated enjoy.
  17. @YoSneeks Yes the levelling order is getting major re-write because the options appear messy/overly confusing and they aren't worded properly imo. Ranged/magic tasking is still being worked on, it's easy to add those skills but they require ammo/spell configuring (either saved from profile or manually set). Glad you are enjoying the script please bot responsibly, try to bot in p2p if possible. @eremenow Authed a trial gl. Yes osrs gp is accepted but we must convert the gp into osbot credit, via purchasing a voucher from: https://osbot.org/forum/forum/227-vouchers/ I recommend using @Malcolm he does a good job. @ospaul we are on the same boat, I'm also going to get a couple accs ready for those drags. If you get a chance to try it lemme know, I gotta make sure those are 100% perfect @Mad JewWelcome back Hmm I will take a look - ranged/mage? Or melee. I recently did some changes to ranged (with fightbounds set) and it may have affected it, we'll see
  18. Currently doing a Youtube series on botting a couple accounts to some end-game content, and it seems some skills are just safer than others (regardless of p2p vs f2p). So I'm doing crafting to get that achievement diary unlock (85 crafting) and no bans so far, but I accidentally overbotted a different skill from 1-82 and got a temp.. Unbanned now so I'll be switching up the skills and the breaks profile. The p2p ones are all clean, despite even botting some rather dangerous skills like runecrafting. Going for 74 agility via barb fishing (should go to 99) and no bans yet, but we'll see People are saying bans are less frequent now that it's almost christmas but who knows
  19. Being released by the scripters who are in charge of the Ultimate Scripts, any time now we're just waiting ^^ Trials activated enjoy!
  20. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Yes for sure, I just gotta unlock it and it's going to be added. Same with a few other courses which are popular these days. I'll give you trial as soon as it's added ^^
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