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Everything posted by Czar

  1. I'll get back to you on this, I need to ask around who is the #1 these days with proxies ^^
  2. Hey Yes I completely agree with you, I have been thinking of ways to address the GE limit, any ideas are welcome. Should I make the bot stay logged out for X time or something? Or should I add a way to stop the bot if that happens. We technically don't have the power to see if there is a GE limit but we can kinda guess if the GE limit has been hit by measuring how long it takes to buy 1 item and if a certain time passes we can assume it has been reached. Another limitation is that if we stop the script after the ores are placed in [Buy] at the GE, then we have no record of this, but I have a good way of addressing that too using save/profiles in the OSBot/Data folder. But yeah any ideas are welcome I'll be adding more updates as we speak
  3. Czar


    He's just trolling ignore him. @goodie Range guild is good especially paired with mirror mode, but yes I agree it's good to use the aio fighter script for more areas to train in, especially safespotting npcs.
  4. Done enjoy! Very good choice with the blast furnace, a lot of profits can be made there especially on the weekends, and we've recently re-written a lot of code which means the behaviour is nice and fresh. All trials activated lemme know if you guys need more time.
  5. The only thing I can recommend is making your own (or checking if that is already made by someone else) in @ProjectPact's Script Factory, since that is a very unique script and there doesn't seem to be a smither with that method supported.
  6. EDIT: New Update (v163.1) - Fixed an issue where the bot would idle after teleporting to digsite The new digsite method should work better with this update. Just posted it, and the version will automatically go live within a couple hours. My apologies guys, this is still a relatively new method which was added in the last couple of days, there were some things which needed smoothening out.
  7. I would have to try this out first, I don't think it's supported for UIM yet But I will definitely consider this method, sounds really good.
  8. And started in Castle wars or Varrock west bank?
  9. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Hello did you enter the item name in the input box? Please confirm!
  10. isOnScreen removal gotta make some changes. should've been deprecated for like a week before removal
  11. I highly recommend against using VPNs as they use bad IPs and they are almost always shared, resulting in higher ban rate. It's best to use a residential proxy IMO.
  12. Bankstanding spells are always inherently low since less interactions are botted, I highly recommend doing any spell that is near a bank
  13. I've always wanted to add that, I'll consider it heavily. Still investigating the logs that @dipkinsas posted, will keep you updated on this. Trial/demos given enjoy!
  14. Authed trials enjoy. I've been coding some changes for sand crabs as well as improvements. Bastion potion should be live by today hopefully, along with a few other changes.
  15. Made some changes regarding feedback, more to come. You guys should notice a new option and a new version later today.
  16. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Ardy rooftops should work better in the latest client version, I'll take another look there just to be sure. Please use breaks! Also I highly recommend appealing the ban on another ip Trials done enjoy!
  17. I've got a couple snippets for this, which one fits your use best: lambda for conditional sleep, lambda for filtering the text displayed inside the chatbox dialogue, and/or lambda for getting the npc to handle dialogue for?
  18. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Update went live, also please download the new osbot client version, Rogues' Den works better since WallDecoration offsets X/Y are now fixed. Lemme know if you guys run into any problems they'll be addressed asap.
  19. Prifddinas banking/smithing/smelting added, enjoy! Update just went live Trials added, good luck.
  20. It's best to zoom out camera, or update to the new client version which just got released a couple minutes ago for the best results
  21. Woo java update should eliminate the new users from having issues
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