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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Will take a look at this, perhaps the interface has changed recently, update coming up
  2. any luck? please confirm so I can help =) pushed an update yesterday for this, should be live now - lemme know how it goes please! =) yes, but also add a way to check combat level or just insta tele no matter what level player is nearby?
  3. After years of doing runners, the main doesn't get banned. I think all runecrafters have runner support, and definitely check out the Script Factory by pact.
  4. Did not manage to catch that post @Han if anything went wrong lemme know so I can take care of it. @ammanizzo good find, will add a preventative measure for tele-grabbing in the next subversion
  5. We are working on that atm, super high req method Need quests, gp, and 94 mage to even test it But I'm accepting testers in my new discord channel xD
  6. Any luck with the new build? Please confirm
  7. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Done trials enabled gl sir =))
  8. Authed enjoy! Please share results
  9. Try these: keep it at 50ms (so it also says this in the top-left too), zoom in the camera, lure the npc so it's chasing you, get -65 magic defence bonus so you splash, put the alch item in the correct slot, disable spell filtering, and you'll get maximum exp/hr with these. EDIT: Here's a quick setup guide just in case anyone is wondering: (i'm doing curse which is lower xp vs. stuns)
  10. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Great to hear Enjoy, if it ever happens again please tell me. I've also relayed a message to the scripter chat about this. EDIT: Also please bot responsibly don't forget to use breaks, currently on 85 thieving on my account so far so good no bans, wanna get to elves and support them on this script so we can all enjoy that 2m+/hr profits xD
  11. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    any luck @flargles? Lemme know so I can help
  12. Yes bone burying will definitely be added for brutals, and lava scales good find I'll add a patch for those now
  13. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    okay lets do a client restart with mirror mode, stay logged out while the clients are hooking together, then login, start script. it should open pouches at 28 and continue thieving
  14. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    sounds good please tell me how it goes. if that still doesn't work can we try a client restart but this time hook mirror client while we are logged out the game, it should improve results. my next guess would be that the client isn't finding the coin pouch in the inventory, but client restarts always solve these types of stuff. if you're not using mirror then ignore this completely and it must definitely be something wrong in another area.
  15. As a victim to jar theft, I fully support this, good job xD
  16. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Coin pouch is supported yes, have you tried with selecting coins to keep, or did you de-select this option? It should be located in the bottom-left box of the setup window It should look like this:
  17. An update just went live for nullpointers and mining in general, tonight’s update will the ardy cape update, something may have changed recently but it’s an easy fix, more info soon
  18. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    if youre doing thieving then ardy knights all the way. just be sure to take breaks. I do sticky mode, world 302 ardy bank where there are like 50 players thieving, and just blending in xD once you start hitting 80 thieving, xp /hr goes up to like 140k/hr which is actually decent
  19. Honestly we scripters that have blast furnace bots are all at the similar rate of profit/exp per hour, the wiki is just wrong, I cannot replicate it by hand (tick perfect or not) and have always challenged others to try even get near wiki rates by hand just to prove it's possible, but I don't think it is possible without using any special plugins on runelite like bird's eye view etc. With that being said I'm always on the lookout to improve speed and reduce delays wherever possible, so if you notice any areas which are super slow feel free to shout at me XD With that being said, we also need to take into consideration that perfect speeds (and tick speeds) is too robotic and will most likely result in bans anyway, so it's not worth it.
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