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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Done authed gl on trials @flyingsolo it should not be attacking other people's npcs. I assume you're using mirror since it's a typical issue, try setting the reaction timer to 100ms you'll see way better results. If this persists, confirm please
  2. Nope, some people believe it can be at risk if you're multilogging and botting though, so do be wary of that
  3. Amazing response time gj mate
  4. Czar


    Welcome, nice to see fellow programmers - good luck on scripting
  5. Not yet but I've had a couple requests for this. I'll explore some options on ways we can release this feature without issues. Guys - we need more testers in our discord for bloods/souls/wraths and tiaras coming soon, let us know if you can help
  6. Enjoy Please remember to use breaks for better luck with preventing bans
  7. Czar

    Help me

    Stealth is also good but mirror is way better. Mirror is also planned on being available to non-vip users in osbot 3.0 unless something changed
  8. Authed gl sir, there are some insane lowkey spots in zeah to woodcut, or you can optionally woodcut in the woodcutting guild but a random zeah area is way better for preventing bans - you should easily get 99 there. Aside from that if doing f2p try to go to a more lowkey area for better ban rate
  9. Done and done, gl sir Please bot responsibly use breaks at least an hour break for every 2 hours botted, I do double of those breaks personally. Zeah wcing >>>> anywhere else, and be wary of f2p woodcutting in general with all bots.
  10. With all due respect, not to sound rude but it seems a bit too hard to believe, any other botting history aside from this? Alching is one of the safest things to bot, especially near a bank ^^
  11. I have heard this before IIRC there is a 250 character limit? I heard was that the dev(s?) for that particular bot manager are working on an update to extend the character limit? In any case I still want to make sure it works regardless so I'll add a way to load a profile, which should result in a super short parameter so it'll be like my fighter bot so e.g. [edge_gold_rings.txt]
  12. Should automatically show up in the actual osbot client, can you do a refresh maybe it'll appear now?
  13. Done enjoy! Remember to use breaks
  14. Authed agility gl sir, try and enable ready-click mode with plentiful breaks (if lower than 50-60 agil) and more botting less breaks if 60 agil or above, since those are the safer courses (fewer bots and fewer profiling)
  15. Authed gl sir, seeing a lot of success with the fisher lately, especially with barbarian fishing. Just try and take breaks for the best results.
  16. If you still need a trial lemme know, apologies for delay
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