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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Should automatically show up in the actual osbot client, can you do a refresh maybe it'll appear now?
  2. Done enjoy! Remember to use breaks
  3. Authed agility gl sir, try and enable ready-click mode with plentiful breaks (if lower than 50-60 agil) and more botting less breaks if 60 agil or above, since those are the safer courses (fewer bots and fewer profiling)
  4. Authed gl sir, seeing a lot of success with the fisher lately, especially with barbarian fishing. Just try and take breaks for the best results.
  5. If you still need a trial lemme know, apologies for delay
  6. I'll take a look at that now, maybe a recent jagex game update changed some settings/ids/configs. Should be an easy patch
  7. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Try and balance out the mirror mode, or even better try and get a 64 bit java so it works smoother. I'll also be adding a low-detail overlay option so it doesn't use too much resources etc. Also guys I'm working on getting the new spellbook spells unlocked, so I can add support for the new Shadow Veil pickpocketting spell (which lowers pickpocket stun chances), I think it increases profits by like 33% which is insane.
  8. Need testers for full CLI mode, either pm or join discord
  9. I thought this was taken care of I'll take another look at it now. And this is with [take breaks at bank] on or off btw?
  10. Will add a prevention for zombies now
  11. Yep axe upgrading is supported but no axe buying yet (from GE), I will add a tutorial on how to use this. And I'll be considering adding ge buying for axes
  12. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    I just got another 85 thieving on an account (plan on doing elves), and what worked best for me was: 1.5 hrs botted, 2-2.5 hrs breaked. I know this isn't what everyone likes to hear, but I prefer safer botting so I avoid bans xD Trials authed enjoy gl guys Remember pickpocketing > stalls always. Pickpocketing is inherently safer (and more unpredictable) due to being caught/stunned.
  13. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Yes i've been making notes on making the anti-ban as good as possible, some ideas are almost ready to be put into fruition, I can't wait to release the next version for you guys
  14. Banking supported but not pickaxe upgrading yet, but good idea I'll add this
  15. Gave you a trial gl sir
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