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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Authed trial enjoy, rarely seeing bans with motherlode mine these days, but please don't take that as a sign to not use breaks when botting ^^
  2. Done gl sir Lemme know if you need more trial time, that 1200 points is important af xD
  3. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Ah I see, I get you. I'm gunna submit v218.0 let's give it a go and see how it does
  4. It's already supported but hidden beta atm, we'll be releasing this for testers in the discord in the very near future edit: disclaimer - it's not available in the bot as of this moment just to clarify for everyone
  5. Authed gl sir, please bot responsibly. Muds are good for profit, ZMI is good for early levels, and lavas is good for getting that sweet 99, be sure to take breaks and try not to bot too much in one login session. Lemme know if you need any more advice @xFoxsta I will add some improvements for the magic spellbook now, thank you!!
  6. I appreciate it thanks again! I will work on these features and post them as soon as possible, stay tuned
  7. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Thanks for the pastebin really helps. will investigate this. sorry about this it's still a new feature, I still haven't completed the quest for it :[ I'll prioritise asap One last question - you had cosmic runes and other runes too? And was the inv full? It could be problematic with a full inventory, but I'll take a look
  8. Enjoy! some nice moneymaking methods with herby too xD
  9. Authed gl! Next update will be an update to the banking system, you guys should notice some nice changes
  10. Submitted update v48.0, should work way better this way. Update will automatically go live within 24 hours, hud will show v48.0 when it's officially live. @gava90 this should work better for neit, also just out of curiosity - did the same thing happen in edgeville, or never tried? Please confirm.
  11. One more question. Using CLI or normal bot, or using progressive/tasks? EDIT: I think I found something.
  12. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Yes it supports seers teleport and good choice there, it helps with improving xp rate. I've authed you a trial gl it should appear in your client now.
  13. Mouse & fatigue is the easy part, I'm also planning on adding more stuff on top of those features but can't reveal them publicly. As I said I'm going for 99 in 2021 and I want to prove it's easily achievable
  14. Talking on discord, special thanks to @minewarriorsfor helping with patches!!
  15. @minewarriorsthank you for the feedback. I'll be adding some improvements for v74.0 of the bot today. It seems the list is not reflecting the chosen tree type, should be an easy fix. For number 2 I'm having trouble replicating this issue, I selected [Upgrade axe] it went to the bank and withdrew axes and continued woodcutting - did this not happen at all for you, if so, did the bot reach the bank, and if it did, did it try withdrawing any axes? But without [Upgrade axe], and no axe (in inv nor equipment), it will chop trees without it yes, I've noticed this and will post a patch for this now - is this what you were referring to? I apologise if I misunderstood this point. I wanted to make it free-for-all in case jagex changes any axe names or something. Found the issue: task mode isn't activating [Upgrade axe] option at all for some reason, I'll make some changes. If this isn't accurate (and you didn't use task mode/progression) then confirm please. For number 3 I've run a couple test runs and I assume you mean these two oak trees separated by a fence (and thus forcing the player to walk quite a long path), so it would click on the opposite tree mid-walking? If this isn't accurate please confirm. I know a great improvement for this and I'll add it to v74.0. It involves stopping all clicks/attempts while the player is moving. @z10ngot a nice update in the queue for this. No fatigue yet but a nice mouse profile system, and a couple afk simulations. Fatigue is next on the list
  16. I'm blown away by this, thanks for the huge inspiration boost! Gl and please update us on your botting journey.
  17. No anglers, yes minnows gave you a trial so you can experiment, gl sir I am considering add fishing trawler in the near future.
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