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Everything posted by Czar

  1. This could be from java version or operating system, can tell us what java version(s) are installed on your pc? And which operating system?
  2. Czar

    Perfect Hunter AIO

    Sure, and cool name btw! Done added glgl
  3. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    It’s fine I will help unban the account it’s still possible to reverse it if done right, and sure I’ll add some more explanations it’s still a new feature so it may not be public knowledge just yet but I will take care of it asap. Hey bro so this is easy just need full inventory of wines and it eliminates combat 100% according to wiki EDIT: Full invy without coin pouch that is!
  4. This is not normal, I will help you get it running better. Are you using mirror mode or stealth btw? Be careful because the option Fury Mouse is only compatible with stealth not mirror. The bot should be escaping pkers
  5. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Almost done with stealing homes so sorry for delay it just needs testing The mouse sure I can add more customisation, if using invokes then this won’t even be a worry, highly recommend using invokes
  6. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    I can randomise it more, basically everyone gets a different mouseprofile to protect against bans
  7. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Yes sure done enjoy
  8. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Done enjoy And yep 9.99 for life, you'll get lifetime free updates and new features. At osbot things are a bit different - free members can run 2 clients (at the same time), and VIP members can run unlimited clients.
  9. Hey bro come discord so we don't spam this thread too much, I am happy to help you get the script suited to your accounts playstyle EDIT: I highly recommend enabling the option: Fury mouse for better results, and always protect mage to get less time on TB if they ever land, the bot should be looking at the player's weapon to determine which prayer to select. If they have full mystic + melee weapon it could trick the bot into praying melee, but this is an easy fix for me. I can add an option to either check weapon or armour so you guys can choose. And sure I can add tertiary food (brews) so we can eat regular food + karambwan + brew for higher levels, I usually run this bot on mid-low levels as a goldfarm because it generates a lot of money in a short period of time.
  10. Hey bro sure, done added glgl
  11. Awesome glad you found it - for anyone else wondering it’s under Methods in miner setup window
  12. Cut + Fletch: I'm working on it - still under development, almost done
  13. I am working on an auto bonder and request gp for mule - once I code these two into the bot, I will give you a 24 hr trial
  14. Czar

    Czar Guardians

    It is all luck based I usually get 4 pouches before level 50, but be careful because there is a requirement of 75 to use the giant pouch so the bot saves the giant one for when you reach 75 rc level, just as a safety measure.
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