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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Sure, I can add more customisation there too, so I'll add a new option that let's you choose various situations to trigger opening pouches
  2. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    It is best to avoid vpns, they are very risky
  3. There is no instance
  4. this could be ip related - are you using vpn or proxy?
  5. Czar

    Perfect Hunter AIO

    It's better to avoid botting on level 3 accounts, first I like to do some quests and train some skills, tutorial island by hand, and then you'll see night and day difference
  6. No problem I totally understand, if you ever want to thieve again lemme know I'll help you out with my settings. I usually avoid silk because there's no real safespot, you'll always be running every few mins The best way to bot thieving is via pickpocketting Done added agility trial enjoy
  7. Yes it’s possible to switch over depending on when you bought, please make a post here: https://osbot.org/forum/forum/150-refund-requests/
  8. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Best way is to avoid fresh accounts it’s good to level them up do some random quests and it will be a night and day difference. Early game + IP basically makes or breaks the account, avoid super public proxies and especially avoid VPNs and you’ll have a lot better luck.
  9. Czar

    Perfect Hunter AIO

    I will give it a try then Also done re-activated trial have fun
  10. Sure, ask any question you like I am more than happy to answer everything. The bot will be located inside the OSBot client once you launch it you'll see it in the sidebar just before it asks you which account to bot on. If you need any assistance in launching osbot lemme know I'll send you all the steps.
  11. Done added all trials glgl
  12. Czar


    Hey welcome to the community Great place to start, join discord so we can help more
  13. Done good luck If you'd like any advice/tips I'm always online!
  14. Czar

    Perfect Hunter AIO

    Done added trial glgl It won't do implings, but I am thinking of adding these, do you mean via the minigame? Or just randomly in RS
  15. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Yes you can run without food. Added trials enjoy
  16. Done enjoy New Update (v287.0) - Added soul shortcut when crafting via Arceuus - Added update for blood essence withdraw, now grabs the item more humanlike when doing bloods in abyss Update will automatically go live within 24 hours enjoy
  17. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Awesome gl on new account i'm glad to hear it got unbanned @macattack93 very unfortunate to hear, I recommend keeping a huge stack of noted wines so the bot will un-note them, and ring of life always just in case - this should eliminate deaths 100% added all trials gl guys ;D wealthy citizens - almost done will announce a new version ASAP
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