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Everything posted by Czar

  1. I'll improve the mouse system for that, no need for screenshot, ty sir
  2. Good idea, will add this in the upcoming version
  3. Absolute legend congratz I am very happy, hopefully maxed combat soon
  4. At level 1 the options are limited, but for anti-ban purposes I'd fish at karamja small net fishing imo (f2p)
  5. Done activated trial gl sir, good choice with herblore it's a safe skill, bankstanders are always easiest to bot with Also activated agility, glglgl Please use breaks for agility, at least a couple breaks per hour and you'll see an easy 99
  6. Activated gl sir, please use breaks especially if training at lumbridge, otherwise in p2p you can easily squeeze in more botting hours ^^ EDIT: @lkihazzardjust lowered the delay after killing a gargoyle, lmk if you want it to be tweaked, increased or decreased. Also if you notice it not looting their drops please also confirm
  7. This one will be getting unique features as opposed to fighter one. Fighter just has a basic version of crabs. If you have any recommendations/suggestions on features hit me up ^^
  8. I should be sorry But yeah thank you for the update, I'll lower the delay seconds. Since I can't personally test gargoyles (I still need 75 slay, almost there) we may have to keep going back and forth until they are perfected, I'll keep updating them to your liking.
  9. Yes its coming, either by separating by commas (,) or adding progressive mode
  10. Done gl sir Personally I prefer aio miner because mlm is slow :/
  11. B E A S T! Added to main thread congrats mate!
  12. Czar

    Perfect Wintertodt

    Activated glglglgl For the 1-50fm part, try to not have any placeholders as the first item of the bank. We're posting a new update for that specific situation atm Aside from that, be sure to also use the [break at X games] feature, I recommend breaking every 4-5 matches and at least 20 mins of breaks for that easy 99!
  13. Czar

    Perfect Wintertodt

    It should be in the osbot client, but you gotta hit refresh first, glglgl If it still doesn't show, lemme know I'll re-activate
  14. Enjoy! Glglgl Please use breaks for best results, and if you need anything I'm always available for updates/suggestions/help Currently working on a new feature update for this bot, will be releasing soon. EDIT: Also guys, we have feature v282.0 pending which should auto-update any moment now.
  15. Done gl, this bot is making a comeback soon :)
  16. Hey there I have good news and bad news. Bad news is I just found a bug for superior npcs, apparently the script just attacks any superior npc nearby which is very bad, but it's an easy fix. Good news is that the gargoyles update has been submitted for v282.0 (which'll auto-update within a couple hours). and I'll be adding the superior bugfix onto that too. So once 282.0 goes live, slayer npcs should be much safer to bot EDIT: Also guys a quick update on the prayer altar feature - I know I promised a couple days ago but still working on this. Can't release until everything's perfect, I will try get this feature done before monday latest. Again my apologies!
  17. About bloody time this script is released glglgl
  18. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Activated guys, glglgl Please remember to use breaks for the best results :)
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