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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    So a full inventory will eliminate combat completely, that's the trick from wiki IIRC it still works today. So pickpocketting the npc while full inventory will cancel every action. And as a safety precaution I've added a way to go upstairs and back downstairs (north-east hut) in case the player gets in combat, maybe due to breaks kicking in or just random misclick/lag. EDIT: By full inventory I mean no coins and no coin pouch either. The game must send message something like "you cannot pickpocket while inventory full" and it'll cancel everything including combat.
  2. For best results it's good to take multiple breaks per hour so 20-25 mins per session and any amount above 5 minutes breaking. Use mirror mode, I haven't used stealth in 5+ years it's not as good as mirror. Personally I haven't received a ban in months, my last ban was during last prime season because I was greedy and overbotted, other than that it's super safe these days, got 8 accounts running as we speak, 2 fighter 2 fisher, thieving, runecrafting and a private moneymaker script. Location also matters I highly recommend botting in the crabclaw cave on low pop world especially. As for logs I believe anti-crash feature is causing issues, I'll post another update for that. Also guys added a couple patches to crabs including the new copy inventory button to make life easier, and a couple stability updates. Also added some maps including skogres, evil chicken lair (black dragon killing), mos le'harmless, will be adding more locations especially slayer ones since they seem to be popular these days. Fixed some issues with setup window + selecting equipment (banking for equipment too) and a bunch of other stuff.
  3. Sad, it seems mirror lost connection to entities, a client restart solves this not sure why it happens but most of the time it's from having the client open for super long (couple days) or at least that has been my experience, atm I run 8 clients per computer and can be a bit iffy sometimes with any bot.
  4. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Disclaimer: blackjacking is not officially supported, it's beta test and is not reliable especially on mirror client. With disclaimer out of the way, make sure you have the npc already lured, and you have full inventory without coin pouch, it should start properly EDIT: Small proggy man I love these seeds
  5. Thanks for letting me know I will make some tweaks to that specific area
  6. Congrats on release really good idea for a script
  7. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Posted a small update for the combat evasion system mentioned in the above post, ty Trials done gl guys enjoy
  8. Reaction timer is top left in green text, dw about it I found a couple areas to modify some delay values for trading speed, next version coming up ^^ Same applies to colossal pouch I’ll be adding that in the upcoming version too.
  9. Forgot hopefully you buy soon xD
  10. Done enjoy sir glgl good choice btw lots of ppl making profits here at blast furnace with primes
  11. Sure does authed trial gl my friend
  12. Yeah sure you have been supportive over the last couple years
  13. Love the feedback thank you means alot. I will keep improving the way it works just gotta ask one last question is with 1000ms or 100ms reaction timer? If you don’t remember dw about it ^^
  14. One of the updates early yesterday went live, still a couple tweaks on the way including webwalker and crabs. Mos le’harmless prayer thing should be fixed as well now. Update v293 is the major version
  15. Welcome back again, sure
  16. I will do, I just gotta get those capes first need 99 crafting and construction
  17. Done gl my friend please don't forget to take breaks if using stealth injection. You should be safe with a bankstanding skill such as herblore
  18. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Ty I will take a look now, seems to be the walking system (?) if I had to guess, I'll take care of it
  19. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Yeah that would be a good idea I'd have to study which chests would benefit from a world hop and add it, or just add a general hop option instead
  20. Nice, I have seen some people get a few masks and it's really profitable to fight there which is why I gotta add some real support for cave horrors. I will dedicate a new account to train there and iron out any issues related to slayer/map/walking too. I had one guy couple years back that helped me with those and suggested all types of features/addons I can do, hence the quickprayer thingy before entering cave. Same applies to chinning and sand crabs, I've got a couple noob accounts that I can use to test those and see if it needs any updating Once we get these out the way the new setup window + preset profiles will be added to the bot so we can use example profiles on popular npcs, should help with setting up the bot and making life easier too.
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