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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Based jarfix saves the day maybe it's possible to add jarfix to the osbot client boot menu, would save a lot of headache
  2. Awesome glad you got it ^^ Gl on release can't wait to see what scripts are next.
  3. With stealth injection I did see someone get a ban on a minigame script, but maybe they just made some mistakes and botted too much. Though with mirror it's going super well atm. I urge anyone to farm 30m with stealth injection then swap that gp for mirror mode ASAP.
  4. Done gl sir enjoy Please bot responsibly Use breaks for best results, and definitely select [New Mouse]
  5. Done good choice there btw enjoy
  6. Yes there is a way to buy it with gp, so basically gotta trade a verified person (who has rank) gp and they will give you the equivalent $ amount in the store so you can buy any script. Everything is done in this section there's a huge market for this specific area: https://osbot.org/forum/forum/227-vouchers/ I have given another 24 hr trial so you can give it one last try before deciding for purchase
  7. Awesome I'll be keeping an eye on it
  8. Done activated free trial enjoy, please bot responsibly use New Mouse for best results, take breaks from time to time and ez 99s
  9. What a legend I love hearing progress like this I have dedicated an alt to fletching bought a crap ton of logs will DM you as soon as the update hits. I saved crafting for last because it's super expensive but fletching does sound like a good 99 to have, potentially profitable too
  10. Okay so it all relates to the reaction timer on mirror mode. For best dropping it needs to be 100ms: Via the menu: (turn off recommended, turn off allow, scroll reaction to 50-100) We use a custom dropping system, different to every other scripter on osbot because I believe it helps for humanness so some things need to be configured for best results. Please tell me how it goes! ^^ EDIT: For anyone wondering yeah so the script has its own default value and if it worked back then better and now it doesn't, it's because I changed the default value from 100 to 1000 from time to time just to see what works best. There is a tradeoff between performance vs responsiveness. Maybe a middle of 500ms can work but never tried it yet.
  11. Legend thanks I'll note these down for next version I believe the hopper aims to go to your current world +- 1 or 2 worlds, so I can see how it kept doing that, good find.
  12. Done activated trial gl sir please bot responsibly I usually take breaks every 3-4 games on pest control, by far the best setup I've experienced.
  13. Yes it does take into account combat level and wilderness level. As for bot hopping on the same worlds: good find. I'll blacklist worlds for X minutes so it doesn't hop to same worlds, I hadn't anticipated a situation like this, you shouldn't really need to hop that frequently unless it ran into some high population worlds. Choosing worlds I love this idea in theory, but how would you choose the worlds? A dropdown menu of 400 worlds and choose them in order? Quickprayers yes I'll also add that for the anti-pk just before running, and perhaps praying (?) at altar if low?
  14. Yes for sure, I'll get the reqs real quick on my alt and add them ASAP. Damn reqs are so high
  15. Okay so I don't use IntelliJ but I can see that dependencies are still not set up correctly. For example this import: dependencies.util.PoH.PoH; Should be util.PoH.PoH; So "dependencies" can't be a package, it needs to be part of the src folder. If there is a way in IntelliJ to convert the dependencies into its own "project" or module w/e then definitely give it a try. Maybe ask @ProjectPact for an invite to the scripter chat or join the osbot discord? Most scripters use intellij because of the APA guide but imo it's overkill.
  16. Turn on the setting [Don't retaliate to other npcs] and it will not fight them. There is a bot setting for every situation ^^
  17. Done gl sir enjoy Please bot responsibly
  18. Yup sure does I recommend using the world hop feature for runite mining if 85+
  19. My man appreciate the support
  20. Okay just found the problem. Seems they changed the name from Dragon dagger (p+) to Dragon dagger(p+), I'll fix for v296.1 today EDIT: Submitted small update for v296.1, version will automatically update within a few hours gl guys. Small side note: DDS (Dragon dagger p++) works right now.
  21. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Appreciate the support you are a champ
  22. This man is on fire
  23. Tell me which npcs I'll add their locations. Some special ones like wildy etc may not be supported, including revs, or any npc which basically has extra functionality like demonic gorillas etc. So the way this bot works is: if we start the bot away from npcs (e.g. if we are inside a bank) the bot will search my list of npcs (e.g. chickens in lumbridge) and try to go to the nearest position it finds. If we start the bot near the npc, we can attack anything in our view, and ideally save it as a profile to use later. Then we can start the script from a bank etc.
  24. Awesome welcome to the club And yeah mining guild is supported, I'm mining there right now with amethysts
  25. Czar

    Perfect Wintertodt

    Welcome glad to hear, done authed a trial, lmk if you need any advice Thanks for the support means a lot seriously. EDIT: Just saw new post done gl my friend enjoy @Lhorhay
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