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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    I am not giving up on it though, been making a lot of $ from it when it does actually pass the traps etc
  2. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    People are paying over $2k+ for a hallowed sepulchre atm, I don't think it's possible with osbot's mirror client it's too laggy for the traps. I have a full hallowed sepulchre bot coded privately and it's just not for public use, needs babysitting etc. Maybe with stealth injection it's good but I've never tried it. As for trial done enjoy Lots of 99s lately with this script and even more 73's (blood alts) gotten with this script
  3. Zoom camera out, restocking on, action-bank open on, minimise camera movements, enable esc to close interface, set bank to withdraw all, coal bag in first spot, keep coins in GP not in bank You should be seeing good rates with these Just a quick note before anyone else is wondering: wiki rates are impossible without a cheat client like runelite. The most I've ever seen a blast furnace bot do is around half of current wiki rates. I've always challenged people to get wiki rates by hand it's 100% impossible, they won't even let us modify the wiki rates to normal figures
  4. Thanks for the logs I'll reduce the delays in v166 today, should go down from 30 to around 1-2 max, if even that Don't worry too much about the delays they actually help with preventing bans (just worth noting for peace of mind) EDIT: Have just finished coding banking for cooking fish, thanks to @Tyransyn for the suggestion. Doing final testing runs then submitting both updates (delay reductin and banking for cooking)
  5. Thank you means a lot I agree, and I’m actually surprised there aren’t more people botting runecrafting - it’s really profitable, seems to be underrated atm I’ve been doing 600k/hr with my blood alts and then 800 with double nats (heavy breaks though) EDIT: A nice lil proggy
  6. I'll add a way to filter npcs based on levels, going to rewrite some code. I believe some of it is already coded so it should be a quick update. Appreciate the settings it's rare to get any sort of settings from anyone in 2022, thanks I'll note those down @PastorRize
  7. You need to alch noted items
  8. Very strange have never seen these issues before, I'll take a look. I hope you have entered the correct settings! EDIT: Actually nvm I couldn't replicate the issue I'll keep searching. Any luck btw since it's been 2 hours I thought maybe you got it to work @john69 Seems to be working well I'll keep it on until it fails somehow.
  9. Done gl enjoy Be sure to check out the restocking feature
  10. I actually prefer these type of requests because I want to know exactly the objective from start to finish and this explains it well. I'll make some changes. I already notice a couple things right off the bat which can be improved, for example the cannonballs I need to set them to amount: 0 so that the client knows to withdraw all, instead of an actual value e.g. 9500 or something. But yeah I'll go through the list and add those. I will also be adding something unrelated got a nice request on my disc about adding myths guild bank that'll be added too, and I'm constantly looking for more map areas that need supporting e.g. lighthouse as you mentioned above and a bunch of other slayer stuff. Ty again it really helps push this bot further in terms of quality. Hey there thank you for the kind words, and yes I've also noticed the script can be laggy especially when selecting more options such as looting, only loot my npcs, etc, all of these options will add on to the lag because the script will be working harder and checking values more frequently, tracking npcs more, etc. So right now the best way is to do low resources mode + hide paint at all times. The paint gives huge lag unfortunately because it also does a lot of calculations in the background. If you could let me know what your save settings are I could try and optimise some specific options for you.
  11. I have seen this happen to other bots I can't remember why, I think it's related to Mouse text zoom on windows it should be on 100% not 125%, I'll keep digging for the guide and post it here in case anyone else has that issue.
  12. Have been working on abyss for bloods and souls, coming along nicely. I hope to announce the release soon because as much as I do love 600k/hr I'd love to make 1m+/hr Atm my noob accounts are still at arceuus pretty stable gp/hr:
  13. Yes I'll add it, how's abyss for bloods I've never actually tried that one I just do arceuus bloods Ignore the gp it bugged out the true earnings are at bottom
  14. This isn't possible :[ but if you would like to discuss with supermod maybe they can help
  15. After looking at the code yep it seems there is a 4-5 second delay after burying bones which is strange, no idea why I did that. I'll lower it down in the upcoming version. Also there's a lot of VM usage in botting so I'm going to note that down, ty for finding it, had a lot of headache about this with another script and we couldn't figure out why Appreciate the support seriously
  16. Looks like I'll add 1-30 mining ASAP then, stay tuned I'll give a trial. This is a good bot to have for coal bag btw
  17. Hey there sorry about this jagex just updated some interfaces which broke my GE system code, we gotta turn off restocking temporarily until my update goes live. This was reported on my discord couple hours ago and I've submitted a fix we just waiting for approval now. Ty for the heads up looks like the update is still pending, should go live any moment now usually happens twice a day ^^ Done gl on trial sir, there is an update pending so I've given you double trial time (48 hrs) just in case. We have to pause restocking for now.
  18. Glad to hear I'm here if you need anything else, gl sir please bot responsibly
  19. Legend I appreciate the kind words you have no idea how much it motivates me Authed a trial just in case btw, gl sir ^^
  20. Epic script will help test as well on my 99 thiever accs
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