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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Czar

    Czar Kudo Solver

    Done added trial gl sir
  2. Appreciate it, I'll copy settings and do some more debugging My account atm is 90 mining I'm headed for amethysts at 92 so I will be using this as a test dummy
  3. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Done added trial enjoy be sure to use the setting: [new mouse] and take breaks until you get mirror mode/vip. I would even do hardware mouse but it won't let you control mouse so it should ideally be done via sandboxie, either way join our discord for tips on best ways to bot
  4. Done added trial enjoy Small update on my accs just hit 96 rc Only 3 levels away from 99, very noice XD
  5. Hey mate welcome back I appreciate your concern about how the bot appears, but don't worry too much about it I have made sure everything is randomised to prevent bans. I can modify the behaviour so it matches your playstyle more, I'll add an option called [No camera movements] and perhaps an auto zoom feature like my agility bot has Have gotten many 99s and even recorded one so you're in good hands xD And yes I will add mouse off screen for karambwans too, I am always listening and am open to adding any features to this bot.
  6. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    For dodgy necklaces you need to type the amount per inventory trip, I'll clarify in the setup window to avoid any confusion xD Stone chest: I need to add farming guild/skills necklace teleport and it'll be submitted as an update, almost there. I may have been sidetracked by higher demand features but I will certainly listen to every request Rogues den: we're working on adding non-run mode so it works for searching traps etc, instead of the current version which uses the running trick (and relies on run energy), and banking will also be added. Also noted down that we need to add a way to get the gem for first time accounts, good find. For blackjacking small disclaimer: it's experimenta/beta, not officially supported as mentioned on main thread. Only a few people actually can get it to work reliably, best way is to have 100ms reaction time on mirror, absolutely no lag on PC (aka at least dual core cpu with plenty ram) and you should have a full inventory of food that doesn't vanish, for example jug of wine. This way the bot will never get into combat (the game doesn't let you pickpocket with a full inventory) it's a wiki trick which I used The script does not have a luring feature yet so you would have to babysit the script. Nobody has made a successful blackjacking script on osbot but I like to think we're close. I would never bot blackjacking though I only added it as a beta and would potentially work on it as time goes on, I would always pick ardy knights over blackjacking any day of the week. No point in risking unreliable blackjacking for that small extra xp/hr when you have ardy knights pulling almost 120k xp/hr at higher levels
  7. Use my setup while I investigate, btw did you have [Always stay in my sector] selected please confirm ^^ Atm I am running 2 accounts there because I need to access amethysts: This is my 72-99 profile, if you want one for 30-72 lmk I'll post it too The most important setting is: [Only mine in chosen sectors] and the light green tiles on the visual map.
  8. Done added trial gl be sure to try out the GE restocking feature it’s the only blast furnace bot that has it
  9. Czar

    Czar Barrows

    New Update (v13.0) - Added priority when opening doors (no lockpick) to either wait for puzzle (and stop every other action) or pass door - Added new setup tab for personalisation, including the new Barrows Kill Order feature - Added more logs in case anything goes wrong we'd be able to identify and resolve immediately Update will automatically go live within 24 hours, and we got another new release coming in hot Just wanted to submit this since I've tested it fully. Next version will have new weapons supported, more routes for travel/banking and new behaviours EDIT: Will be running on my new alt, so far no luck with good drops
  10. Czar

    Czar Barrows

    Will take a look ASAP, I am guessing the [pray before doors] is causing issues without strange picklock (puzzle), update coming up I will also add that teleport in next version
  11. Czar


    Doing pretty well, atm I'm training my barrows alts up here, I need 75 for blowpipe
  12. Ty means a lot Small update still at 95 rcing, levels are taking forever
  13. Czar

    Czar Barrows

    No problem I am glad you got it working if you need any advice/strategies I'm always here for you guys I am working on adding a new feature atm: We will be able to choose order, this will help with certain strategies to avoid wasting prayer potions etc and maximise profits I am also working on adding more new features btw a lot more coming @TheRank902 sent you pm
  14. What was the fix? I have heard of restarting client to get it back to normal again sometimes needs a refresh especially when I stop/start the bot too many times, not sure Either way I'm glad it's working
  15. Noted everything down will make some improvements for stronghold, only thing am a bit worried about is the walking thing you said, not sure what botlike means maybe I'll make it work slower or less mouse movements? Either way I'll take a look
  16. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Done added trials gl guys enjoy! Be sure to enable [New Mouse], use breaks especially if using stealth injection, otherwise try and prioritise using mirror mode it's the best nowadays. I recommend also checking out the option for Mousewheel camera it's really unique and looks less botlike
  17. Czar

    Czar Barrows

    Hey there, I will take a look at those points made, ty for the feedback it means a lot and helps make the script even better At first glance I already understand the first point, will do a fix for this ASAP. As for second one I may have to ask a few more questions so I understand better. Regarding the specific preset for ahrim: does it have any barrows gear? E.g. karils armour 100 etc? Would love to copy your setup and debug it for myself if possible send a screenshot of your preset 1 & 2 and I'll run the same setup on my tester accounts If not, dw about it I'll investigate and replicate the issue one way or another EDIT: Also quick message to everyone, and in discord: I'm listening to all feedback everywhere, I am also finishing up on salamanders, a way to choose order to kill brothers, more teleport/walk options and ultimately GE. Last update was drakan medallion teleport, and poh chamber but looks like it still needs an extra update with [bank every trip] off Then with the difficult stuff out the way I'm gunna add more example profiles and potentially simplify the setup window, add more pictures etc make it more visual like my fighter bot so it's a breeze to setup.
  18. Added trials enjoy For cosmics it's best to have 59 rc to unlock double cosmics, and then you'll want to use the highest pouch possible, in my case I'm using colossal pouch I managed to get the GOTR robes using Script Factory and it also gave me the pouch, which means it'll triple the profits/hr and you'll go from 300k/hr to 900k/hr ^^ I was only getting around 750-800k with cosmics after the crash. During primes they were around 160ea and was pulling 1m+/hr because of all the orber bots I think, god knows But yeah we have to keep in mind prices are crashing, maybe if I make a bot that uses nature runes so demand increases idk EDIT: I also do the obstacles: Agility, thieving, mining. And for accounts with low thieving I just do agility + mining with bronze pickaxe. The more stats you got the quicker xp you get, and I always use the fighter bot to get my accounts at least 45 45 45 melee for defence/hp mainly, and for some combat levels. The higher hp you have the better the profit/hr (you'll get hit less and spend less time on healing). I am adding ferox so we can perhaps squeeze in some extra profit/hr for lower levels. Another small proggy, seems to be super safe these days, another small giveaway is funded
  19. For dropping I recommend first enabling shift drop, new mouse, and then in the bot settings -> top-down. My favourite one atm and it seems to be safe in terms of bans ^^ @bornhackerx Will take a look maybe something needs updating, new version coming up
  20. Done guys activated enjoy
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