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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Czar

    Czar Barrows

    Hey there, I will take a look at those points made, ty for the feedback it means a lot and helps make the script even better At first glance I already understand the first point, will do a fix for this ASAP. As for second one I may have to ask a few more questions so I understand better. Regarding the specific preset for ahrim: does it have any barrows gear? E.g. karils armour 100 etc? Would love to copy your setup and debug it for myself if possible send a screenshot of your preset 1 & 2 and I'll run the same setup on my tester accounts If not, dw about it I'll investigate and replicate the issue one way or another EDIT: Also quick message to everyone, and in discord: I'm listening to all feedback everywhere, I am also finishing up on salamanders, a way to choose order to kill brothers, more teleport/walk options and ultimately GE. Last update was drakan medallion teleport, and poh chamber but looks like it still needs an extra update with [bank every trip] off Then with the difficult stuff out the way I'm gunna add more example profiles and potentially simplify the setup window, add more pictures etc make it more visual like my fighter bot so it's a breeze to setup.
  2. Added trials enjoy For cosmics it's best to have 59 rc to unlock double cosmics, and then you'll want to use the highest pouch possible, in my case I'm using colossal pouch I managed to get the GOTR robes using Script Factory and it also gave me the pouch, which means it'll triple the profits/hr and you'll go from 300k/hr to 900k/hr ^^ I was only getting around 750-800k with cosmics after the crash. During primes they were around 160ea and was pulling 1m+/hr because of all the orber bots I think, god knows But yeah we have to keep in mind prices are crashing, maybe if I make a bot that uses nature runes so demand increases idk EDIT: I also do the obstacles: Agility, thieving, mining. And for accounts with low thieving I just do agility + mining with bronze pickaxe. The more stats you got the quicker xp you get, and I always use the fighter bot to get my accounts at least 45 45 45 melee for defence/hp mainly, and for some combat levels. The higher hp you have the better the profit/hr (you'll get hit less and spend less time on healing). I am adding ferox so we can perhaps squeeze in some extra profit/hr for lower levels. Another small proggy, seems to be super safe these days, another small giveaway is funded
  3. For dropping I recommend first enabling shift drop, new mouse, and then in the bot settings -> top-down. My favourite one atm and it seems to be safe in terms of bans ^^ @bornhackerx Will take a look maybe something needs updating, new version coming up
  4. Done guys activated enjoy
  5. I'll take a look at this, never tried guthans with no food but I will make sure it works for you. Feel free to send profile you used, otherwise I'll quickly make one myself. It could be from ranging/ammo, let's try equipping bronze arrow see if it works ^^ Otherwise there should be some errors/instructions in logger (client -> bottom right -> toggle logger -> copy paste here) Sadly not yet but it will be added, atm we're in testing stage for this feature. Also missing reqs for MM2 sadly
  6. Added new update for v19, enjoy! Fixes some stuff mentioned here and on discord, gl guys update will automatically go live within 24 hours Also, free trials now activated glglgl
  7. Czar

    Perfect Wintertodt

    Done enjoy Be sure to check out the clue hunter feature if using iron man acc EDIT: We also have some epic new features coming soon
  8. Done added trials gl guys, still botting this no bans, seems to be safe I'm splitting accounts on native and sandboxie, very good results will keep these on for longer sadly will reach 99 in 300 hours which is about 2 weeks from now
  9. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Added all trials enjoy Be sure to use mirror mode and new mouse setting, it's a lot better than normal. And if you don't have mirror yet then be sure to use breaks, it's always good to bot responsibly. Also have some good news, it seems that there are very few bans lately, not seeing any bans personally on my bots, and no messages on forum/disc/pm's either so it's all good, get in while you can
  10. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    My man thanks for the support Means a lot
  11. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    New Update (v247.0) - Bot now selects Run for rogues den - Fixed hotkey for setting custom tile - Vyre camera movements fixed - No longer holds the shift key down randomly - Hallowed Sepulchre bank fixed Update is now live, this is yesterday's update just letting everyone know there was a new version Run: there is an option called [Disable run] which is useful for ardy knights, I recommend turning this on so that if the ardy knight chases you, it won't mess up the lured npc. The button for this option is a bit lower down in setup window so you'll need to scroll down to see it xD had a lot of settings so a scrollbar was needed Left click yes it's possible to left click only npcs that have "pickpocket" as their first menu try. Sadly we can't modify the client's menu option order like runelite can but it's fine, we're botting anyway who cares about efficiency let the bot do all the work amirite @davyyyy be careful you'll want to avoid having a full inventory, so make sure to have 3-4 free inventory slots or the game won't let you loot anything from pickpockets. I am guessing 6 dodgy necklaces was too much for the bot, maybe 6 could work if you had less food, it's worth experimenting different layouts ^^ @knuckles96 very very nice progress report honestly an inspiration to us all, loved seeing all the screenshots both at vyres and elves keep it up my man. I hear jagex is not giving bans lately as well which is good news I believe no bans have been given to many people (since primes ended) All trials added enjoy
  12. Fixed in a previous update, let me know if it happens again for you. Just did a massive test run with and without special options and it worked well ^^ This is how the random mouse API handles clicks, it's good for preventing bans imo if you want I can turn it off Done added gl sir Be sure to use mirror mode and [new mouse] setting, works really well
  13. Added trials gl guys, one of the best moneymakers in 2022 these days, have been funding a lot of giveaways in my disc with $ made from cosmics and natures This is just one of the accs And there are 5 more doing the same thing, and a few more getting prepared to do these (takes me ~7 days to prepare accounts).
  14. Done gl guys enjoy be sure to go for amethyst mining it's one of the most reliable moneymakers out there, got almost 25M mining xp there
  15. I will check out both of these feedbacks. Sadly they added a huge slayer req to brutal black dragons so nobody can really use them these days (78 slayer) but I will certainly never give up until you guys are satisfied with that plugin Updates coming up For script lag I highly recommend turning off overlay with F2 key, or ideally upgrading ram/cpu. This bot is very very complicated and uses a lot of different systems and trackers to work better than other lightweight scripts. Can happen sometimes with remote desktops, best way is to hit CTRL to toggle it off Just a quick disclaimer because I do not want to break any rules: It's not a full NMZ plugin it's just a basic sipper for nmz it will sip absorption potions when low, and flick prayer ^^ So all you need is absorp pots and rock cake let the script do the rest. What are you having problems with, tell me so I can help.
  16. Added trial gl sir good choice btw I recommend doing cannonballs with the double ammo mould
  17. There is a vip one but scripter is inactive
  18. Czar

    Czar Barrows

    my man thanks for the kind words. GUI wise my next goal is to turn the equipment tab into a visual tab, and then some more user-friendliness stuff like automatically setting prayers for each brother so that we don't have to click as often Ty means a lot, so sorry for the wait I'll hurry up the feature and auth you the trial
  19. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Done added trials enjoy Good choice btw, and since you're vip I urge you to use [New Mouse] and Mirror mode client, you'll see amazing results. I also recommend taking multiple breaks per hour just to get that extra layer of protection against bans. I believe jagex is occupied with new updates (fresh start worlds?) so less bans these days
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