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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Czar

    Czar Kudo Solver

    Done gl guys enjoy
  2. First of all are you using hardware mouse? That option doesn't work with scripts that require you to move mouse by yourself (aka selecting rocks manually on screen). If not, I'll have to find out why it doesn't work for you, will investigate now.
  3. Czar

    Czar Barrows

    NEW! Added Grand Exchange auto-restocking! Perfect for goldfarms!! Features Coming Soon: - Deathwalk support - Salamander support - More ironman routes for barrows How to use Bot Manager or Script Queue: Script ID is 1181 Script Parameter is the saved profile name, e.g. hello123.txt
  4. w00t glad you got it working will see what I can script about having custom spell filters btw. ill take a look at the safety code for no runes. i believe i set it to 7 times receiving the message [no x runes to cast this spell] before automatically terminating bot, taking into account misclicks from random mouse system etc could be a little high though, maybe lower it?
  5. Ignore the scuffed provider, only free one I could find https://www.upload.ee/files/14476112/varbits.zip.html
  6. Guys I ruined the pathfinding for Arceuus blood crafting while trying to add random area, and I just submitted an update (v205.0) with an improvement fix for that area. Version will automatically go live within < 24 hrs. Thanks for patience!
  7. No but I will add that soon, should only take a couple mins to code
  8. Update is now live, enjoy Scheduling working a lot better + script is now loading perfectly, everything should be normal now, including Rimmington, Phials and more. @bpb99 Yes for sure. We will have own POH support soon, and then runner support thereafter. Just building up my main to unlock the altars and whatnot
  9. I completely understand, I believe there is a certain way to achieve this - I don't remember exactly from the top of my head I think we have to select [sequenced mining] and choose the screen rocks in order, then select pre-hover, not sure but I will figure it out and report back to you
  10. I can make it click the rock if player has camera zoomed out? If not I can just make it walk to a randomised path. Btw update will be submitted for review shortly. edit: btw goes without saying I always appreciate suggestions, ty:)
  11. Done gl sir We have task mode coming here along with custom breaks, ETA ~48 hrs
  12. Brb getting the ole sunglasses out to read the forum
  13. Found the issue @SirFapzzAlot. Seems to be associated with the new [Schedule] tab we have added recently. I'll be adding a patch for this ASAP. Good news is that we can still use the bot, but we have to turn those scheduling options off. @displayname32 I was too late couldn't read message, I hope everything's okay If not lmk so I can help.
  14. Thanks for letting me know @bruhohI will take a look. A temporary solution is to select trees via screen it’ll work better until I add a maintenance patch today. I will be adjusting the area tiles it should be a really simple fix. Trials enabled gl enjoy!
  15. Ty for clarifying. I have authed you a couple bots to use while I figure out a solution for you. Just so you don’t miss out on any botting. Will edit this post soon.
  16. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Use this for ironman, I kinda assumed you were a goldfarmer, we also respect IMs these days I believe they are easier to bot on, seems like jagex doesn’t ban them as much https://pastebin.com/KAm2GfGN I believe this is the best guide out there, enjoy
  17. Goals right there, keep it up Can’t reveal anything just yet but you will get an extra trial once updates hit
  18. No problem I will re activate trial today, gl sir
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