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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Done added trial enjoy! I recommend taking multiple breaks per hour, for up to 20 minutes each with combat scripts, it's different for other types of script ofc.
  2. Added trials gl As for safespotting there's no inherent way to safespot with magic, I usually set up safespot manually and let the bot run and it'll do the rest. Tell me your situation I'll try make it work more to your style of play. I'll add a safespot system like my fighter bot too
  3. Czar

    Czar Barrows

    Done added trials enjoy House teleport + normal chamber is not supported but it'll be added ASAP. Just finishing off the canifis -> boat -> barrows route now and then I'll add that, so it'll be #2 priority then I'll give you a trial once the update goes online. Yes I'll add that bank condition @mamo4us good idea, thanks Currently working on a huge update right now for Staff recharging, allowing us to bot for longer periods of time I'm also adding a lot of requests/suggestions/patches that have been sent via dm's, discord, and forum posts, so keep an eye out for new updates Small preview for next update:
  4. I'll take a look, mind telling me your settings or just confirming if you enabled coffer mode + ice gloves + goldsmith gauntlets? I've been using the script heavily these days but not for gold, so I'll take a look at that ASAP Trials added enjoy, also just slipping this proggy in here
  5. Staff are working on updating forums bit by bit ^^ Should be back to normal in coming weeks
  6. Czar

    Czar Barrows

    Done added trial sorry for late reply Should see a 32 hour trial now, gl my friend the setup is complicated so be sure to use the Save Profile option
  7. Czar

    Czar Barrows

    Appreciate the support, I will keep a changelog for all updates and whenever you're ready feel free to ask for a trial. We still have a couple updates on the way so it may take a couple days. Every day the bot gets better and better More safety and logic fixes: New Update (v9.5) - Added safety mechanism for banking a lot of equipment (inventory full) - Added chronicle to teleport out of barrows -- NOTE: Walking/boat to barrows still not supported, but this is a step toward that. - Improved special attack code when switching weapons - Added patch for banking or starting bot in certain locations e.g. Lumbridge Update will automatically go live within 24 hours. Will continue working on recharging staves and salamanders, and a way to un-equip items not listed in our presets.
  8. Most people have 20 waterskins for longer trips, unless there's a new method atm, I haven't checked youtube for new guides yet but I believe this is still the best way, along with humidify. If humidify not available then you gotta use the bandit un-noting feature that we have ^^ Priff I will add this today, update coming up Added trials enjoy guys glgl
  9. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    My man thanks for the support means a lot seriously If anything changes/improves you will be first person to try the hallowed sepulchre
  10. Need to close all client and restart, sometime mirror doesn't detect items too well. I will investigate just to be safe but I'm pretty sure this is the case, has been happening ever since last jagex update randomly for all bots :[
  11. Czar

    Czar Barrows

    Looks like house nexus broke after last update. Just submitted a small update for v9.4, update will automatically go live within few hours Ty for patience. EDIT: New Update (v9.4) - Updated Nexus Portal code - Now withdraws 2 home tabs if both exit/teleport to barrows include house tabs - Uses keyboard shortcut for teleporting to barrows Update will automatically go live within 24 hours Another version is coming after this one with new bonus features added.
  12. @Wurzel for the support it means a lot. Hopefully made some decent gains so far @thirdcod So for each profile you must assign equipment and select the $ buttons on each gear item you would like to bank for, so have a profile for steel scimmy and tell the bot to equip it at bank, and if you do this across 3-4 profiles you can sequence a pretty good combat account builder I have gotten a few requests for a guide on how to set this up, I'm working on a youtube video explaining everything. I just released 2 videos on other scripts so this one is next, and then the thieving bot. @Skeptic_m8 It's all part of the behaviour, I can't risk getting accounts banned. Efficiency will create patterns and increase chances for ban, it's better to have randomised actions so that your account lasts longer. I can easily make it be accurate/efficient but what good is that when the account is banned tomorrow? Either way I will consider adding an option called Accurate mode and it'll just do everything for xp, will have to put a warning on it though just to be safe. The idles are really really good for appearing humanlike, if you like I can add an option to toggle them off in the next version so everyone wins For better results try zooming out the camera, enabling left click attack in rs settings, ticking attack any wandering crab (careful though people will inevitably chat to you), keep auto retaliate on, or perhaps try afk mode it's actually really good.
  13. Done added trial gl enjoy I recommend gilded altar using workless apparently that's the best POH these days
  14. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Hallowed is not possible with mirror client today, my experimental version is not handling the fires too well
  15. Done added trials gl guys
  16. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Vyres and elves doing well so far, will be posting some progress and results on the main thread
  17. Czar

    Czar Kudo Solver

    Posted new update for (v15.0) of the bot it should be more stable than before, I'll keep an eye on it especially the door thing Done re-activated the trial enjoy
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