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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Czar

    Czar Barrows

    Wow what an epic post here Ty for the support it means a lot seriously I have activated a 32 hr trial so you can see if it’s compatible with your acc I have seen someone do it with 24 combat, only real req is 43 prayer, but the best one to have is 75 magic for trident and 50 range for msb. I sometimes even skip avas accumulator because only need range for ahrim can be quite expensive with trident but you’ll be 4-5 hitting the brothers each time. Also highly recommend strange old lockpick it’s really good
  2. Done added trial enjoy Be sure to enable New Mouse with Stealth injection for best results
  3. Done glgl I recommend getting coal bag as soon as possible, really useful for goldfarming
  4. Czar

    Stealth Firecape

    POOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOG sign me up please
  5. Hardware mouse is good but it will take control of your mouse so you can't use PC while botting, I would recommend sticking to new mouse + stealth injection until mirror gets a anti bot detection update
  6. Czar

    Czar Barrows

    Epic I am very happy to hear this, I haven't had so much luck lately My last ahrim drop was like 4 days ago or so
  7. I added a way to save/load CLI on the top left of setup window ^^ Done added trial, nice collection you got there keep up the good work @torvaaa I hope you been making $ off botting lately
  8. Looks like they updated herb sack which means bot needs to update too. I would turn this herb sack option off until I change/update the bot's code for herb sack following jagex update, thanks for letting me know I'll make some changes ASAP. Emergency teleport - good idea I'll add this to the bot, I believe my runecrafting bot has this already so I can copy paste the code to release the update quicker for you guys Slayer mask - atm the bot will not equip this unless you set it in the armour tab, just gave you a few days trial until I add your feature request Also guys just submitted v313.1 which features couple more improvements and stability fixes, more to come. I also added upgrading equipment for ranging, which means the bot will upgrade bows every time it levels up range
  9. Here are the best settings for pre 72
  10. There is top-left of setup menu to save/load settings for CLI @zhang100jia If you like, I can add new system to build profiles?
  11. appreciate the support you're amazing I hope you make a lot of $ from botting
  12. Sure thing, currently loading up an army of double nat farmers will let you guys know how it goes Done added all trials
  13. Czar

    Future of OSBot

    Future of osbot is very bright, LOT of people pulling $ these days with moneymaking bots
  14. Sure thing, good choice btw added trial
  15. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Right now, yeah I highly recommend stealth injection with new mouse, you'll see great results. I have seen someone go 2 weeks without a single ban using this
  16. Thanks for feedback I'll reduce the humanlike idles a bit more
  17. Done added trials gl guys Yep ammonites are supported, I added support for the south-east ones too
  18. I will try get it done before sunday ASAP
  19. Czar

    Czar Barrows

    Thanks for the kind words Added trial enjoy glgl
  20. Czar

    Perfect Wintertodt

    Sure thing, added trial enjoy If you need any advice/strategies lemme know I'll help
  21. Czar

    2 Questions

    1. New mouse uses a different algorithm, it features a more natural way of moving the mouse and lets scripters use their own preferences for mouse, e.g. speed, movement overshoots and a bunch of others. Without new mouse scripters can't modify the movements/speed of the mouse at all, so all scripts that feature "custom mouse profiles" will not have those enabled. 1A: Hardware mouse behaves the same, it just uses a different way of sending "signals" to the client. It also takes control of our mouse so if we move it ourselves the bot will self-terminate. Some scripts are not usable (e.g. any script that asks you to click on a game object like woodcutter -> select trees etc) 2.
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