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Czar last won the day on January 19

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About Czar

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    Making Bots <3

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Champion Poster

Champion Poster (10/10)




Community Answers

  1. Czar


    next need to download java 8 in order to launch osbot and then it will work if not please show us what the errorr is so we can help
  2. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Done added, glgl just a quick disclaimer blackjacking is still in beta and is only compatible with stealth injection mode right now
  3. I can send you my settings if you like It's relatively easy, just need to select options that you want to enable/disable and the bot is good to go. I recommend taking breaks to protect against bans as much as possible. Webweaver is a great choice, always protect mage, skull at edgeville, and GE restocking enabled. Tele out when 4 sips left of restores, use 15 blighted manta ray and 4 blighted super restores, an antidote, and 4 cooked karambwans. The cooked ones are cheaper than blighted atm Enable fury mouse for best results against pkers too
  4. Can give me some examples, I will try first before confirming
  5. Come discord but you need to be verified to talk on the main osbot discord, but on fruitys discord you can talk freely here: https://discord.gg/Erbe9Fsze5 Be sure to also mention if using stealth or mirror, and any relevant error logs to get a quicker answer Usually on both discords theres a fast response, sorry for late reply xD
  6. It does not yet, but I will add them asap. Working on an acc that unlocks that whole area too
  7. yessir just added sulphur few weeks ago, it should work well. but please make sure to set the bank to Cam Torum, because if you set it to Nearest it tries to go port sarim, I got a fix coming for this too. But with cam torum bank configured, it works well Also great choice, those are one of (if not) the best npcs to fight for training
  8. Any time glad it worked, and I’m always happy to help please lemme know if you have any other questions, because I have another video guide releasing on youtube but this one is different from the previously sponsored one glgl :))
  9. Anytime I'm also working on a lava dragons update for antipk, will be using some code from my revenants bot and converted there. Also one last question for the dueling ring I couldn't find a way to teleport without bringing up the teleport dialogue, would you like the bot to go through dialogues to tele? I was worried about being in combat and getting interrupted, but this maybe doesn't happen if you lose aggro
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