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Czar last won the day on December 21

Czar had the most liked content!

About Czar

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  • Interests
    Making Bots <3

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Champion Poster

Champion Poster (10/10)




Community Answers

  1. Czar

    Perfect Wintertodt

    Sure, welcome back btw, nothing changed much except they made it so you don't need food. I added an update so it makes rejuvenation potions for you instead. I'll dm you my settings.
  2. cheers thanks for telling me, right now bagged plants is compatible with phials mode, i'll add castle wars for bagged plants next. every other item supports phials/banking/castle wars tele though
  3. Hey there welcome Here is how to get it working with mac, shoutout to muffins for the guide. Mac jagex accounts: 1. Open OSBot - click "Patch Game client" 2. Move your OSBot to your applications folder if you haven't already 3. Rename it "OSBot.jar" 4. in your top field, where it says "Path to OSBot jar", paste this "/Applications/OSBot.jar" 5. where it says "Game Client To Patch" paste the following: "/Applications/Runelite.app/Contents/Resources/config.json " 6. Relaunch Jagex Launcher. 7. Choose Runelite as the client. 8. OSBot will load up as normal.
  4. Is the whole osbot screen going white? Or the jagex launcher screen?
  5. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Not yet but I am planning on making a minigame script for that after my quester releases
  6. Sure done added enjoy
  7. Czar

    Czar Chinner

    Lemme know if you'd like any other changes, I'm always listening
  8. Thank you so much means a lot, I'll be releasing more updates to make the bot even better And yeah I think the trials system shows purchased in the store but then when the 24 hr demo expires it will be back to how it was, until the bot is actually bought^^
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