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Czar last won the day on March 26

Czar had the most liked content!

About Czar

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  • Interests
    Making Bots <3

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Champion Poster

Champion Poster (10/10)




Community Answers

  1. Thank you, I'll take care of those points for you ASAP. New update coming up And please don't be discouraged from botting, it's really really profitable even in 2025, many people are goldfarming gp and swapping it for crypto/paypal. If you can set up 10 accounts there and let them run, you'll make a nice side hustle from botting. EDIT: For the pker - I'll be adding an option so we can customise when to teleport, because right now I have it so if you see someone in magic gear it'll try escape. But I can add an option so we can teleport if we see Skull, or magic gear, or both. And I'm happy to add more features
  2. That's unlucky There has been a lot of success with this script. I will help you with the strategy bans are really easy to avoid, but it's not always 100%. Also - could you please clarify the flaws so I can help/fix/release new updates? This is my most recent account, it's gotten 99 range just from the script, but I have levelled a few random skills and quests to help against bans:
  3. Czar

    Czar Barrows

    New Update (47.0) - Added custom webhooks, custom stop conditions, and both -- You can now receive notifications on discord automatically -- Multiple triggers, including any barrows item, any item, profit gained, death, etc. Update will automatically go live within 24 hours enjoy
  4. Added all trials even on thread, enjoy everyone
  5. Added all trials even in thread
  6. I have seen that before - hope this helps! It happens when ctrl+alting outside client, its a rs client thing
  7. Czar

    Czar Chinner

    No problem I'll release an update to improve these then give you another trial
  8. Cheers I will take care of this, have you also tried starting bot while in the main activity btw? So if doing gilded altar, we stay on the gilded altar tab. Just as a confirmation please!
  9. Sure, done added enjoy! If you ever have any questions or need any help, please lemme know!
  10. Czar

    Czar Chinner

    Alrighty I will see why it's stepping over some traps and I'll make the bot avoid them as much as possible. My guess is that it's trying to run away to the re-aggro tile? If you ever get any error logs/screenshots I would love to have caught in action! Nonetheless I've set up an account there and I'll record with OBS until I find anything and release a new update
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