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Jay Cutler

Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Jay Cutler

  1. NO, Sponsor is already cheaper that VIP if you look at the price closely...
  2. Oops! Something went wrong! [#CSTART-3]There was an error connecting with the chat room. Please notify an administrator. Everyone panic!
  3. I like Warren Buffet and I'm going to follow his footsteps.
  4. Well that's their problem... lol
  5. Well I don't understand how someone could be so ignorant, that he/she couldn't even merch? Merching is very simple way to get profit, and at least for me it's common sense: Buy cheap, sell item for high price and count the profit. Simple.
  6. Long ago on pb, couldn't find my 48h proggy. B)
  7. Oh, didn't know. But Slow loris are so cute though
  8. Had to even though it's old.
  9. I'm sorry but I don't understand what you're trying to say? But I assume it's something positive, so thanks
  10. Maybe I'll do a bunch and then I can send them here and ppl can rate them So cya tomorrow!
  11. So guise and gurls what do you think about it? Simple, eh?
  12. At the moment I don't have much money (except on bigboibets), but I think that I can gather up few hunded K's if needed. Btw I don't use skype so you'll have to PM me about everything. ps You from Finland? just curious
  13. Could someone make me a sig, doesnt have to be nothing special. Thank you in advance, truly appreciate it! Doesn't have to be anything special, just cool looking and you can use Jay Cutler character in it if you want. - Humble Jay
  14. Sounds great, now I just have to wait till it's done and bot something else You go man!
  15. Jay Cutler

    BETA v1.7.68

    Thank you, again fast and reliable!
  16. Jay Cutler

    BETA v1.7.66

    Weird I never had any problems, but thank you
  17. Jay Cutler

    lada's art shop

    Can I get something cool, thanks mate!
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