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Trade With Caution
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About dramtic121

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  1. it doesn't support it but it has the preset option to mine it? wat and the walking was bugged with literally every option of webwalkers that is on the script.
  2. 3W5Si7Q waiting on u 3W5Si7Q 3W5Si7Q 3W5Si7Q 3W5Si7Q guess not lol
  3. Hi, im using the premium "perfect miner" on 4 different accounts with 4 different clients open. All of the clients "crash" together at the same time. They're not closing but when i try to minimize and bring it back up the gui at the top is gone and all thats showing is the actual game. The game still runs but the script stops doing anything and it skips alot of frames. It cant be my pc because i can run upto 25 bots normally on another client that is down right now. Any help? Now im just starting the script and it freezes right away edit: i tried starting the clients up slower 1 by 1 and it seemed to work
  4. https://gyazo.com/0cdabce8bc2fbba91e9dff20be6b6e93 happens so often accounts get stuck in this spot alot, happens on multiple accounts, using all the different webwalkers, no mirror. then once i manually click the account to move toward rocks, script continues normally. also gets stuck trying to bank geodes (it hovers over it but doesnt click it). Evcen when i click drop geodes it still gets stuck trying to bank it also when it gets a full inventory it needs to bank it literally crashes the client
  5. is this a post looking to sell an account or a post asking for a price check? yea lol, it was a rough time, i feel i've matured from it
  6. lmao, was like 2 years ago scammed a guy for $10 membership card. I was desperate and am now a new person!!!!!!!
  7. https://gyazo.com/b69056ff39eb810e958f927e7d708241 those are the stats, account also has rock golem pet. How much would this be worth? Would people buy the account just for the pet?
  8. that is not my skype. my skype is "d2k.impulse1029". i have a few threads/posts saying my skype
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