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  1. Would love to give it a try
  2. Romeo


    Would love to try it out
  3. Would love to give it a try Edit: Do you still recommend running your / generally all scripts on stealth only?
  4. Title Woox where are you?
  5. How much would that cost? Just need 99 in all meele stats, nothing else really.
  6. O.o They actually got you for botting Zulrah?
  7. Hey guys, looking to buy an account with 50 hunter idc about any other skill. I don`t mind if it is botted either, just needs to be on a cooldown of 2 days. PM me price or post down below. Thanks!
  8. As the title says, need someone to quickly lvl up my hunter from 1-50, please post prices down below. Thanks.
  9. Not at my computer atm, same as usual: 1x Range Pot 1x Mage Pot 1x Anti-Venom+ 1x Stamina 2x Prayer Pot 1x recoil 1x Duelling 1x Cammy Tele 3200x Coins 4x Karambwan rest filled with sharks & gear obv... That should be alright since it worked flawless like 1 week ago but recently started to lagg for 1-2 secs every 30 seconds or so, but I don't think that this causes such a big loss ;) But if it does so I already pmed fruity about it...
  10. I`m using an acc with 80/80 mage & rng, 70 def and 45 prayer. Full Ahrims with trident of the swamp, rcb and addy bolts. It only gets to kill zulrah every second attempt because its out of food before doing so. Am I doing something wrong or is that normal? Cheers
  11. Thats why there is a function to stop the script after X consecutive deaths, set that to 2 and it shouldn't happen anymore, well it will but the script will stop if it does.
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