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  1. I would like to have a bunch of quest done the list is below. I'd like to know how much this is going to cost, payment methods, and a time frame Thanks
  2. easy! 1. flag the account. 2. wait for unrealistic ip change (such as from new york to uk in 20 minutes) 3. ban the account
  3. You should add support for the Rune Pouch
  4. have u tried hooking it os buddy? thats the only one it works on for me lol
  5. Request Template: - Script name Khal AIO Crafter - trial length 1hr should be fine just wanna see if its something i wanna buy - Reason for trial 99 crafting!!!! - Are you going to give feedback on the script? didnt know this was a thing. i gotta go back and leave so much feedback now
  6. i would like to know this as well. Mine expired the 10th
  7. ooh thanks for being super quick :P
  8. Fire Altar runner(worker) keeps getting stuck as soon as it enters the fire altar. Settings https://gyazo.com/a7c43661cff4bd702a8f1e06a93cc996 What the bot does https://gyazo.com/108d55d22e198d930280d3487f372854 Logger
  9. too scared to risk my p2p accounts so i havent even attempted
  10. hm a mil? and would u pay in bitcoins , as well as use a middleman to hold the gp?
  11. yea just saying guys... last time MGI logged in was April 1st
  12. setup : https://gyazo.com/e4ef01b0f1fd81737dd1b0297cbbb593 this is what happens when i start it : https://gyazo.com/ca1d345fb71ee99f993dae2efdbac5c6 it gets stuck and just hovers mouse while bank is open and then this is whats shown (see below)
  13. This keeps happening when i try to run fire runes using Ring of Dueling method,
  14. VaughnM_


    ive been waiting for one 0.0 im not paying again to get an fcape done lol im level 109 with ardy cloak 1 l0l0l. anyways cant wait mannnn looking good
  15. tytytyty for the trial purchasing it now i love it
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