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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Ricky

  1. Actually you are the noob. He was an admin BEFORE script manager. He can do the same things mods can(I'm pretty sure)
  2. This is an informative thread. This was not made to bash Osbot nor @Alek Okay, so as most of you know @Alek is the new admin, even though his title says 'Script Manager' he is really an admin. Proof: http://osbot.org/forum/index.php?app=forums&module=extras&section=stats&do=leaders I went to go look for a script when I saw one of his. Why not use it? I opened the script up when I found that in order to use some advanced settings you must donate.... basically you are paying for it. So when I first saw it I didn't really care, until I realized.... this is kind of like paying for a script. The free version is basically like a Lite mode while the 'donated' version is a paid one. I wouldn't care, but @Alek is not only an admin but a SDN scripter. Shouldn't he know better? Shouldn't someone be alarmed that our script manager is doing this? Just a thought to leave in your head Please don't delete this. This is an informative thread. This was not made to bash Osbot nor @Alek
  3. Watch out, he is only level 13.
  4. Indeed he is. http://prntscr.com/24v5p7
  5. Support!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Just got in the chatbox and saw that @Alek is super mod...? I don't really see him active on forums nor helping out. Why was he promoted?
  7. The current staff doesn't give her nuff credit imo. If it wasn't for her, Osbot wouldnt have been as good. http://prntscr.com/23jgg5
  8. Ricky


    Oh my god a mod isnt on 24/7. You should relax, people actually have lives.
  9. Half of my farm wiped out...again EDIT: Im getting banned on login. Yay
  10. That speedart was really @Basic
  11. Kati did this for me a whileeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee back. I, of course, bribed her with catnip. Support But VIP shouldn't matter.
  12. http://prntscr.com/23a1bh
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