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Everything posted by Maldesto

  1. If you don't get that from OSBot, then you have problems.
  2. If you actively use sythe.org could you please put this in your signature to help promote the bot and post a lot [CENTER][URL="http://osbot.org"][img]http://i.imgur.com/TTdYCgp.png[/img][/URL][/CENTER] If you do it please link me to your profile!
  3. I have went ahead and banned the user, sorry for your loss. It is clear he is a scammer and if he isn't, he will appeal and refund you.
  4. Crippeh, there is enough evidence to have his service responsible, I don't know what he is trying to convince you of. He is responsible for the 20M his service stole from you and as the service owner he is liable for that. If he is trying to convince you other wise, do not listen. He has to pay you back whether or not he will is up to him. He has 48 hours to pay you back or be banned. Unless of course you deny the refund and say it is okay or give him an extension.
  5. With that attitude, how do you expect anyone to have any respect or believe a word you said. Yes according to your TOS you technically don't owe him anything, but it is clear your friend scammed him. So yes you are responsible, since it is clear your friend took his money because he was having problems changing his password.
  6. I didn't scam anyone on p****bot, ever. The scam report was from 09? I think or 2010, and I was at work, the guy i shared rs accounts with scammed while I was at work. I used the same password, I took all responsibility, and tried to pay back.
  7. For a small fee of $1.00, you can pick one person to get straight up :mald:'d. Contact me for payment info. All proceeds go directly to the vacation fund. I am taking a vacation in April!
  8. I used to scam, and it was always because I thought I was going to get rich, in reality it always bites you in the ass. It never profits as much as you thought, and then you can never stay around because you are always getting banned. In the end being legit is the best thing I've ever done. I've exploded with so many more opportunities. I also work for my money in real life and paying bills, I know how frustrating it is to even waste $5.00, so I can just imagine all the ones that have been scammed by me felt. I feel like a piece of crap when I see people getting scammed and know I used to do that and cause so much emotional pain/frustration to people. I despise scammers and I can't really ever believe I did something so low.
  9. Screen shot please, so we can help you!
  10. 1. You asked for the details. 2. He didn't violate the TOS as he was given permission to log in.
  11. ask here yourself @Asuna care to answer?
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