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Basic Herbs

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  1. You could write your own randomized function based on the Positions contained in the area. Whenever I use randomization, I try to use some sort of normal distribution since real human interaction wouldn't randomly choose any location in an area of tiles. Most of the endpoints would be centered on the exact npc location. This is the same for any mouse clicks, and wait times between actions. It's a bit of work to code it, but well worth it to prevent botting-like features. Try looking into Java's Random class, specifically their nextGaussian() function, as well as Gaussian (normal) distribution.
  2. Update: So I've noticed that when starting a script, if the mouse is located outside of the main screen (So like over the inventory or dialog box) then the paint loads on the top layer, but if the mouse is inside the main screen, then the paint loads underneath when the mouse moves outside the main screen. SOLVED: The Entity hover debug caused the paint to hide, so unchecking that debug mode solves the paint issue in case anyone else has this problem.
  3. Update: It seems to be hiding under the dialog box at the bottom. My mouse paint disappears when I move to inventory, dialog box, or minimap area. (SO anywhere not on the game screen). Is there a way to layer the paint always on top?
  4. No, Im not sure what happened. Even the OSBot ad was disappearing. I reloaded the client and it seems to be working fine now, but thank you!
  5. When the mouse moves off screen, the paint from the onPaint method hides, and then comes back when the mosue reenters the screen. Is there any way to make the paint permanently stay?
  6. SOLVED: I was using Eclipse Indigo, which is like way out of date XD. Downloaded Luna and seems to be working fine now
  7. import org.osbot.rs07.api.Skills; import org.osbot.rs07.api.map.Area; import org.osbot.rs07.api.model.Entity; import org.osbot.rs07.api.model.NPC; import org.osbot.rs07.api.ui.Skill; import org.osbot.rs07.api.Inventory; //This line produces error import org.osbot.rs07.listener.MessageListener; import org.osbot.rs07.script.Script; import org.osbot.rs07.script.ScriptManifest; Im not trying to open a class file, just trying to import it in order to to use the Inventory functions
  8. I'm trying to import the Inventory class, but it does not exist when I include the jar file in my build path
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