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Brainfree last won the day on August 2 2013

Brainfree had the most liked content!

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Steel Poster

Steel Poster (4/10)



About Me

- Believe in everyone should have a chance to prove there capabilities, no matter the case.

- I respect all cultures, if it's that the way you think, and act, so be it.

- I define trash. and usless people only by there lack to contribute to our world, nothing more.

- Everyone is a genius, a fool if they think otherwise.

- Don't judge, never be judge, and never judge those whom judge.

- I can read code better then I can read a magazine.

- I love to take long walks to think something through.

- I am a visual / interactive comprehender, nothing else.

- I can learn quickly.

- I am a mathematician.

- As a wise man said, be a respected man, not a sucesfull man.

- For the better part, I don't act profeshional when I'm chatting.

- I code for fun, love to see my work being expanded and used.

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