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Its Not Okay

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  1. Working on setting up a scalable bot farm, set up db and client server communications work no problem however after every request from the client the connection closes and I'm a bit lost as to how to maintain the connection with the server and have it "idle" until another request is made? Client sends request to server for login, server gets login from db and sends login to client which logs in. I want the client to "idle" while the bot script is running until another request is made from the script (ex update bot status on db). Server: https://pastebin.com/4C1wudYS Client: https://pastebin.com/qZmRyFvH New to Java, any advice/tips much appreciated, thanks in advanced!
  2. Trying to learn java async sockets, I send a request for bot login to the server, get the login from the db and send it back however instead of the client printing out the server response it just reprints the request: Server: if ((client != null) && (client.isOpen())) { System.out.println("Client connected."); ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(1024); Future<Integer> readVal = client.read(buffer); String clientInput = new String(buffer.array()).trim(); System.out.println("Received from client: " + clientInput); readVal.get(); buffer.flip(); statements.getCase(clientInput); System.out.println(responseString); Future<Integer> writeVal = client.write(ByteBuffer.wrap(responseString.getBytes())); System.out.println("Writing back to client: " + responseString); writeVal.get(); buffer.clear(); } Server log: Server is listening on port: 5000 Client connected. Received from client: Requesting Bot Login Connected to the PostgreSQL server successfully. Writing back to client: test:password Client: try (AsynchronousSocketChannel client = AsynchronousSocketChannel.open()) { Future<Void> result = client.connect(new InetSocketAddress("", 5000)); result.get(); String str = "Requesting Login"; ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(str.getBytes()); Future<Integer> writeval = client.write(buffer); System.out.println("Writing to server: " + str); writeval.get(); buffer.flip(); Future<Integer> readval = client.read(buffer); String serverResponse = new String(buffer.array()).trim(); System.out.println("Received from server: " + serverResponse); readval.get(); buffer.clear(); } Client log: Writing to server: Requesting Bot Login Received from server: Requesting Bot Login Both server and client listening on port 5000.
  3. Made this account creator and trying to use async so whenever I request for the captchakey, it starts up another account create. Instead it just works synchronously, what am I doing wrong here?
  4. Ditched Selenium and created it with requests, much cleaner! Just trying to wrap my head around using async code, working on converting my code to async. Were you able to get async to work with your account creator? I'm having an issue with returning the captcha key (it just skips over it ) Edit: It now doesn't skip over it but it's now running synchronously Edit, this is what I have so far.
  5. I already built it with selenium, but I'll definitely checkout requests, do you know if async could be used with the anti-captcha api?
  6. Currently using threads with my account creator, looking into async, would I be able to make async work with selenium? Open several instances of firefox at once? Exactly as you're able to with threads but with async
  7. What's the difference between using selenium with a proxy vs proxy with the captcha https://github.com/AndreiDrang/python3-anticaptcha. Am I better off implementing the proxy use directly into selenium or using the proxy anti-captcha method?
  8. Thank you so much! Was trying to get mine to work for the past few days, I realized my mistake was with the javascript, I didn't add onSubmit(); after I I fill everything else in!
  9. I build my own server prior to getting into setting up a bot farm, if you have any questions send me a pm, I've spent hours on end finding the best deals for parts. I wouldn't go for DDR4 as the prices for ram are extremely expensive when you can get a 16gb ddr3 dimm for 30usd.. I'd also invest in lifetime sponsor as soon as possible, definitely worth it in the long run.
  10. Why'd you go for 2640v2s? You could've gone for the older Xeons for a fraction of the price, I got 2 2680v2 for 200usd each. They have same core count, these have a higher clock and a bit higher power consumption.. And how much did the RAM cost you?
  11. Paying someone 25m 07gp to fix this open source project. Once you've showed me it works over discord screenshare I'll pay you.
  12. Edit: Please delete. I decided to figure out myself.
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