Bought the account a few months ago, got some skills up, finished up the quest cape, did some diaries then got bored of the game..again XD
I am not the original owner, Ambiguity is (from sythe, 100$ donator + servicer on there) and it was his personal account, never botted.
Current bid:
Auto Win: 900m
Discord: DanNich#2655
Paypal (if you're trusted) or OSGP. I don't want to be fiddling around with crypto, not my thing xD
You go first, or you find / pay for a trusted middleman. Unless I deem you to be trustworthy in which case I will let you on first (I haven't been very active on here recently so my version of 'trustworthy' will be a small amount of people )
Mole - Beaver - Skot pets
Quest cape
Full elite void
A bunch of diaries
I can't really think of what else is important, probably other stuff too. I mainly just used it for some bosses / rune dragons.