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    Sunderland, England

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  1. You can use a jagex account via VIP mirror mode I believe
  2. heya! script is wonderful, got my hcim dragon axe before I'd even done 100 crates haha but i noticed when the % is low and i have burn remaining logs selected, from about 13% to 3% it'll keep running from chop spot, then burn a log or 2, then run to chop spot etc even if I'm full with logs but once its on 3% (or maybe 2) it just stays to burn the rest, any idea what it could be? thank you
  3. Oh sorry forgot to mention that, i absolutely would be happy to do that. I'm confident it won't happen of course have bought a few accounts from him over the years
  4. Bought the account a few months ago, got some skills up, finished up the quest cape, did some diaries then got bored of the game..again XD I am not the original owner, Ambiguity is (from sythe, 100$ donator + servicer on there) and it was his personal account, never botted. Current bid: Auto Win: 900m Discord: DanNich#2655 Paypal (if you're trusted) or OSGP. I don't want to be fiddling around with crypto, not my thing xD You go first, or you find / pay for a trusted middleman. Unless I deem you to be trustworthy in which case I will let you on first (I haven't been very active on here recently so my version of 'trustworthy' will be a small amount of people ) Mole - Beaver - Skot pets Quest cape Full elite void A bunch of diaries I can't really think of what else is important, probably other stuff too. I mainly just used it for some bosses / rune dragons.
  5. BiscuitMan


    Selling 190m 0.46$/m paypal you go first unless trusted, then i will. DanNich#2655 or message/reply on here
  6. my first account didnt make it to 70 agility (rip) my 2nd one is going through now and at varrock it seems to be working a LOT better than the previous account, no longer being inactive after the current obstacle is finished will update once i get back to falador to check that location again! (a fair few hours to go yet :p) but its looking good this time! not sure what was going on
  7. it does yes i've tried with and without antiban and haven't noticed a difference, other than the times when antiban moves the camera and does affect the xp rates (which is expected in that case, and fine) but mainly it's just the waiting before clicking the next obstacle that is the issue ill see if i can make a quick gif before i go for food in a few minutes edit: server is being updated have to go, will make it in 1 hour or so
  8. Often after finishing an obstacle, it takes a few seconds to click the next one sometimes it works fine and clicks straight away, but that's quite rare and is hurting my exp/h quite a lot atm, other than that i'm enjoying the script though, lots of courses available 14k/h when usually i get 20k+
  9. yeah i understand, thank you! it's so much cleaner now
  10. Acerds fletcher (it still works but i'd rather just get rid of all the ones that aren't available any more) Dubzie's power chopper extreme aio agility extreme aio cooker extreme smither hero powerchopper hsmelter slcannon twins flax spinner wwwat's anychopper aio
  11. they aren't on the SDN anymore so i can't deactivate them myself, but ty
  12. any way to get rid of scripts that no longer exist clogging up my run page? they aren't listed in my collection and don't function anyway thanks!
  13. quite slow after finishing the last item at the anvil, takes about 6 - 8 seconds to start going back to the bank. Works fine other than that but hope this can be fixed, thanks! (varrock west, any item does this)
  14. Rock slug salt option - instantly clicks another slug after using salt on your current one, so quite often it runs away before the animation triggers and then has to run back to salt it (and tries to do it once or twice more while the animation is playing) but considering how rare this task is, and that in a few levels i'll never get this task again, works good enough! but could be annoying for lower levels
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