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  1. I would like to echo Obieoh's feedback - worked flawlessly for me too. I will be purchasing upon release.
  2. Will this support the smith gloves (i) soon?
  3. May I have a trial, good sir?
  4. hi - for some reason the bot no longer traverses the medium falador diary agility shortcut - it just endlessly right clicks. I restarted both OSBot and my RS client - no change
  5. EDIT: Found setting - In Misc.Settings under antiban Hi Czar, How do I make it take the agility shortcut at Cosmics? Thanks
  6. Can you make it fill the coal bag while the bank is open? At the moment it closes the bank, fills and reopens.
  7. Be careful with this script... I'm super careful with the amount of time I bot, ensuring only an hour at a time with frequent switches in skills. I woke up this morning to find this had been logged in ALL NIGHT as a result of it misclicking the ladder in seers bank and just logging me in and out on my break settings... I had only set it to reach 70 agility (about 30k exp) so wouldn't be surprised if I got banned now. You need failsafes to check if a. The bank has been opened (and thus close it) or b. If the script has been trapped in an obvious spot. Also it looks as though it relies on sleeps rather than is moving or is animating. Consequently very bot like. This is intended to be constructive criticism, but I would honestly take a refund if I could get one.
  8. Hi Khal, excellent script. Has been working a charm. Would it be possible to make it use the deposit box when fishing Monkfish? I don't think any normal player uses the bank here when fishing
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