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About zachtucker

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  1. Also it looks like if your doing a task on a slayer master for example tureal i got ghouls but ghouls doesn't populate in its monster list but in Mazchna even though the profile is setup for that monster on Mazchna doesnt load its presets. Also when i recieved banshees as a task it went to buy earmuffs and just sat there swaping between the regular preset and the earmuffs
  2. My bot freezes if i use the i turn on prayers
  3. hey do you have discord
  4. (client.getSkills().getExperience(Skill.FIREMAKING) = your firemaking code
  5. ALL OF THIS IS USELESS Plus all of these snippets are from rsps servers
  6. so if a npc is walking the mouse doesnt miss so is there a way?
  7. how would you force a right click on an entity?
  8. i just made a large complex code of a bunch of fail safes using getFacing() and a bunch of other methods ill post a betta of my new script tonight
  9. yes but how would you make it count your npc in specific and not all other npc's doing the same animation around you
  10. is there a way to count the ammount of npc's you have killed or is the api that far yet?
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