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Everything posted by FFTL

  1. worked, thanks a bunch man! : *
  2. As stated in the title, client keeps crashing when i level up. Whats wrong? Its all working good, attacking and waiting for another npc to attack but that level up popup dialogue is killing it.
  3. So i have one simple killing script, it basically just clicks on wanted npc and loops it. But every time when npc is doing death animation it is still clicking it once again. I cant seem to fix my problem, can someone help me lol
  4. Thanks all who answered and who made better code for me, i got it to working state and will start to tweak it and add stuff such as antiban.
  5. So I just started to learn java and scripting, is there someone out there who can make or share simple looting script with all it needs? I mean the api lines and such. I want to begin with simple feather looter. So i readed a bit and used someones else script to get one feather looter working but i couldnt. Atm i got this but there are still some errors and i dont know how to fix em, doh... Wish i could get 1 working looting script so i can change it myself and stuff. Its giving me errors on: private State state; - Syntax error on tokens, delete these tokens enum State { - Multiple markers at this line Illegal modifier for the enum State; only public is permitted case LOOTING: - Type mismatch: cannot convert from State to int
  6. When im ranging it keeps clicking on npc when i am on safespot. Its alreadry killing the npc but still clicking on him.
  7. So i downloaded few scripts and put them to Osbot/Scripts folder. After i start bot, i cant see them in scripts. Nothing there, just SDN ones... what am i doing wrong?
  8. So i downloaded and putted it to Scripts folder but it doesnt show up, so i guess its not working anymore?
  9. Fished 6 hours straight (lvl 27, got 64 fishing), banhammer came fast. Btw I wasnt member.
  10. it will be free or prem only?
  11. It has something to do with the new Osbot version 2.3.4. But yea, it wont close the bank. So its broken atm.
  12. FFTL


    Does anyone know something about him? He was good scripter here long time ago. Aeterna's AIO fisher was his big project. I miss his scripts. Fishing scripts are so overpriced atm, and some of them doesnt even work. Like really. : D If someone knows something about him, would be awesome if you reply
  13. From First To Last. It was my favourite band when I was 15 lol.
  14. I would like to try the trial, will do an epic proggy for you bro! : )
  15. Alching santa hats or cutting evergreens. Will see, depends on my mood.
  16. Could use longer one, since I don't have much free time at the moment due exams.
  17. Would like to try the trial, if its good, will buy =)
  18. I would like a trial of : APA rock crabs. I would like a trial because: Looking to purchase a rock crap script but want to be sure the one I buy works flawlessly : >
  19. FFTL

    BETA v1.7.14

    After this update Mysterious Old Man Strange box is bugged, it wont solve any of them.
  20. FFTL

    BETA v1.7.13

    Im dying due Swarm random, died twice today lol.
  21. Talented, no irony!
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