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Eagle Scripts

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Everything posted by Eagle Scripts

  1. That's what I'd like to see. Went for the aggressive sniping as I told you?
  2. What status does it say its in? Maybe it's the webwalker finding it's path?
  3. Scripter II and atleast 1 free script on the SDN if I remember correctly
  4. Is it standing long before walking?
  5. Granted I'll try to do a test on this tomorrow; thanks for reporting
  6. Got to be honest; this is a nice one
  7. Will look at this once I've got some time, thanks for reporting
  8. With normal mode do you mean injection mode?
  9. True Try to check if your player is not allready fighting / in combat. Also check if the current health of the demon is > 0 --> meaning the demon isn't death. Otherwise the script will try to attack the demon even though it's doing the death animation.
  10. This will keep attacking the demon every 3 - 6 sec
  11. Please people, give me a 100% bug report, otherwise I can't fix your issues
  12. Please supply me with a proper bug report template
  13. I'm sorry to say you've allready had one
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