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michael turner

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  1. I’m just curious if anyone is running bots on a 4gb model? If so how many are you able to operate?
  2. big money big money!!! awesome guys thanks again goodluck to everyone!
  3. no need to show off phats and weens because they are givin to you for nothing. its like showing off your tut island stuff :p but its a good start
  4. what do you need a guide for? read the name OBBY-TANK OBBY so maul meaning you want high strength and TANK so high def? fairly simple. if you wanna know places to train do 1-40 seagulls at port sarim and 40-60 monks 60-99 rock crabs experiments ect. weapons 1-60 red topaz machette 60-99 obby maul or get 55 slayer for slay staff. you can get range but nothing over 67 or you level your cb. good for knives to dfs spec to maul or on a budget knives to maul both work great. plus youll have msb spec which helps alot and rune cbow if you needed which you shouldnt that why you have maul. armour: torag is the best defence with a guthans helm and bandos boots or d boots for the strength. if you want more strength bonus get bandos but its not worth the price for a obby tank and for helm keep the guthans. berserker necklace of course and this is up to you either cb braclet or do rfd for gloves.
  5. lol this makes everyone guy in here against it sound extremely homosexual. why would you not want to see a great ass or nice pair of tits when scrolling down some forums about a video game? im sorry to tell you but if you actually step outside and talk to some girls thats what youre going to see.. not rs pixels. theres no d scim under that bra so get used to it i mean cmon
  6. omg lol the pocket pussy! what show was the from? something something state lol blue mountain state?
  7. lol talks about childish yet makes a thread about sucking his own dick? hahahaha! omg
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