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  1. Hit me up if you're still in need of gold.
  2. Hello everyone! I am buying bonds & gold, post your price below Payment method : OSBot credits (Aka voucher/gift card) I will go first only with trusted sellers (I can provide a purchase date proof of these credits so you know you're safe from chargeback [IMPOSSIBLE to do after this long time])
  3. hello, I am looking to buy bonds and I'm paying with osbot credits (also known as voucher,gift card) Comment or private message me your skype/discord.
  4. Not a whole coin for 43 USD, a fair rate for my 43 USD. Current BTC rate is 6,244 USD => 0.0069 (43 USD)
  5. ETH and XRP, Ethereum preferred. Right now, a fair rate for 43 USD.
  6. We can use a middle man, my choice on who to use if required. Hit me up if you are interested, leave a comment or a private message.
  7. RzPH


    I get the white page only after I try to submit a request. If you still don't get a white page, may I know what browser you're on?
  8. Not scary, Easiest thing to do is just ask for confirm. (PM and such)
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