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Black Poster (5/10)



  1. Hi I have 94 mage but 70 range , is it possible to just mage zulrah while still getting similar amount of kills of using both styles?
  2. So why don't you do 80 ranged for your brother and he can pay you instead of someone on here?
  3. gonna download this now , you should add a hyperlink
  4. whats the 5m deposit for if the accounts are going to be fresh level 3's
  5. Feelmercy

    Hello :)

    Welcome mate , I seen you on the rsps botting site also
  6. the top picture has happened to me before where it loads in mobile version on my pc
  7. I used to be 56 on osrs in the first few months of it being released I botted 92 hunter and stopped with no bans
  8. Lol I hope it stays 75 or above , whens the poll finish?
  9. no one going to give you 3m-5m if you got 0 feedback and 1 post count
  10. hopefully runescape lasts another 9.7 years and rsps's dont take over the game
  11. If you think 1 pack a day is a lot i know people who smoke 40-50 cigarettes a day. anyways besides from that good luck oliver
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